A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English

 Military and Security

  • Stories related to assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan:
    • According to Asr-e Iran, a second unnamed passenger in Ahmadi-Roshan's car has died of wounds in hospital.
    • According to Tabnak News, the other individual killed in the assassination is Reza Qashqaei, Ahmadi-Roshan's driver.
    • Eye witnesses discuss the assassination. Video:
    • The Revolutionary Guards responds to the assassination: "Doubtlessly, the path which the Iranian nation has chosen in order to solidify its position at the helm of the region and at the helm of the international level science will not be stopped with threats and terror. On the contrary, martyrdom of devoted thinkers will strengthen the future spirit of Islamic Iran... Terrorist deed is an American/Zionist scheme... which shows their fear of transformation of dear Iran into an extra-regional power and a role model for independent nations and states outside the influence of the hegemony..."
    • Ramin Mehmanparast, Foreign Ministry spokesman, accuses the United States and "the Zionist regime" of perpetrating the assassination in order to "stop the peaceful nuclear activities" of Iran.
    • Mehdi Mohammadi, Kayhan editorial board member, demands "retaliation," in the face of assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists and stresses: "Criminal states must pay the exact same price for their crimes against Iran." 
    • Iran Atomic Energy Organization praises Ahmadi-Roshan.
    • Fars News releases photos of Ahmadi-Roshan.
    • [E] The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) in a statement strongly condemned the assassination of an Iranian scientist in Tehran on Wednesday, and blamed the "Zionist regime and its sympathizers in the White House and the West" for the terrorist attack.
    • [E] Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaee in a letter to the UN condemned the assassination of a young Iranian scientist in Tehran on Wednesday, and said Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast was the latest victim of a foreign terror campaign against top Iranian scientists.


Nuclear Issue

  • [E] Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov voiced his country's opposition to the proposed US and European sanctions against Iran's oil sector, and said such measures will not reinvigorate the global nuclear non-proliferation efforts.


  • [E] Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari underlined that Islamabad is committed to the early expedition of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, reiterating that sanctions against Tehran would not affect his country's resolve in this regard.


  • [E] Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stressed Tehran's important role in promoting and safeguarding peace and security in the world. 
  • [E] Ahmadinejad in a meeting with former Cuban President Fidel Castro stressed the common positions of Tehran and Havana on different international issues, and called for the further reinvigoration of ties between the two countries.

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