A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



Military and Security

  • The Secretariat of the Expediency Council dismisses rumors about an attempt on the life of Rafsanjani.
  • Major General Qassem Suleimani, Revolutionary Guards Quds Force commander, addresses The Youth and The Islamic Awakening seminar:
    • "The movements [in the region] have gradually become more Islamic, and they are being formed like the Islamic revolution of Iran…”
    • "Iran has the capacity to organize this movement and establish Islamic governments in order to fight against the Arrogance [the United States]..."
    • "Iran is the only country which has managed to remain safe in the face of the onslaught of the West and the Zionist regime. Iran has also managed to expand its cultural realm..."
    • "Iran is present in southern Lebanon and in Iraq. In reality, these areas are somehow influenced by the performance and thought of the Islamic Republic of Iran..."
    • "We must show the truth of our being Shi'a in practice and we should not make others Shi'a. Naturally, the truth of Shi'ism could have a great impact..."
    • "The people of Syria and the ethnic groups [there] are completely supporting the government. Among the Sunnis, an important group of the people looks with apprehension at the developments in Syria and the West's interventions. In addition, most machinations have not been in the cities, but in the villages..."
    • "The opposition has not managed to mobilize a million-man rally against the regime of Bashar Assad. Nothing happened, not even after the Arab League representatives entered Syria. The Syrian disease is therefore not one which can do away with its government..."
    • "It is too early to make a decisive statement about Ikhwan al-Muslimin [Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt]... What has been said by Jalal Talabani [about Suleimani's contacts with the United States] was not clear, but warnings are constantly issued to the United States concerning the consequences of their deeds..."
    • [Commenting on suggestions to assassinate him, Suleimani said:] I pray to God that the Americans do this." 
  • Ahmad Tavakoli, Parliamentary Research Center director, condemns gatherings in front of Admiral Hossein Alaei's home as well as public attacks against former parliamentarian Emad Afrough, who in a TV interview said the public has the right to criticize all authorities, including the Guardian Jurist.
  • Gholam-Reza Jalali, Passive Defense Organization commander, says "the enemies of the Islamic Republic have begun attacking the sewage systems in Iran." Jalali also says bird flu in some provinces is the work of the enemy.

Nuclear Issue



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