A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


  • Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei casts his vote at the 110 mobile voting station:
    • "I believe this [to vote] is a duty. It is also our right. We must use our right and do our duty. I also believe this work is of greater virtue if done early. I am not saying it is a religious duty like the prayer, but from a logical point of view, if one does this first thing in the morning in Friday, his mind rests. The duty is done and one can pay attention to other work, rather than doing this last..."
    • "Election has always been important for our country and the regime of the Islamic Republic. It has always been a sign of the reality of our country and carries a message to friends as well as to foes..."
    • "Thirty three years have passed since Iran's Islamic revolution. In revolutions around the world, people get tired as time passes and their path changes, but our nation has during all this time continued its straight path with unshakable determination. This is very important. These days there is a lot of violence against the Iranian nation which you hear and see. They [Iran's enemies] have been defeated in many places; they have been given many slaps; and by making a lot of noise, they try not to lose face..."
    • "They talk of sanctions and human rights and the like. Because there is more mayhem and there are more verbal threats against the Iranian nation, the Iranian nation finds itself in a more sensitive position. It can talk in a better way through its deeds. The best words and best speech is coupled with deeds. Therefore, the more people vote today, the better it is for the country..." 
  • Rafsanjani casts his vote in Jamaran:
    • "The people care for the revolution. Therefore, through popular participation we hope that a parliament is formed which will live up to its effective role in the special circumstances of the country... I hope that the future parliament will solve the current problems and in doing so will guarantee the future of the revolution..." 
      • Some voters shout "Death to Rafsanjani," during Channel 5's live transmission from a voting station. 
  • Former president Mohammad Khatami, who had earlier asked for certain preconditions such as freeing political prisoners to be met before he participated in elections, cast his vote today
  • Ahmadinejad voted in Tehran. 
    • Ahmadinejad's ID and National Card. Photo
  • According to Fars News, Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi voted in the Shahr-e-Qaem neighborhood of Tehran, where many Revolutionary Guards commanders live, rather than in Qom, his city of residence. 
  • According to Asr-e Iran, various news agencies report more than 60% voter turnout
  • Academic Sadeq Zibakalam refuses to say whether or not he has voted, saying it is a confidential issue. 
  • [E] Seyed Hassan Khomeini, a key Iranian reformist cleric and the grandson of the Late Imam Khomeini, registered the list of his favorite candidates on the ballot paper and cast it in the ballot box on Friday. 
  • [E] Iran announces 8-9% increase in election turnout
  • [E] The Iranian Interior Ministry said it has decided to keep polling centers open until 11 p.m. local time since people are still waiting to cast their votes in many polling stations across the country. 


Photos of the Day