A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English

  • Editorials on the parliamentary elections:
    • Shargh editorializes:
      • "The ninth parliamentary election... took place in a calm atmosphere which is commendable... Greater interest in election participation in the provinces, smaller cities and villages... should increase interest in the welfare of the people in these places... Fluctuations in electoral participation in Tehran and other provincial capitals... should attract the attention of analysts... Taking into account the recent threats in the spheres of foreign policy, economic and nuclear issues, the popular participation is particularly commendable..." 
    • Kayhan editorializes:
      • "Vast popular participation yesterday... had clear messages to the West... Americans who until Thursday told their foreign partners that pressures and sanctions have left their impact on Iran... [must now realize] that the election has proven this claim wrong... 'All options are on the table,' has lost its meaning..." 
    • Mardomsalari editorializes:
      • "Victorious individuals and groups in this election, both those who God forbid have achieved this victory through their contacts with centers of power and wealth and other illicit means… and those who won through a healthy process, should know that social participation means participation of subcultures... Pay attention to the questions and demands of the people, particularly the subcultures... analyze and interpret them..." 
    • Resalat editorializes:
      • "Popular participation demonstrated the inefficiency of the sanctions regime.... If there are economic vulnerabilities, it is due to the domestic economic executives and is not due to external factors." 
    • Vatan-e Emrooz editorializes:
      • "Popular participation showed which faction enjoys the greatest support. One can't cheat anymore... Those who demanded preconditions for participation in elections [reference to former president Mohammad Khatami] participated in the election yesterday... His behavior can be interpreted as a public apology for the sedition. With this act, he humiliated the sedition..." 
    • Asr-e Iran editorializes:
      • "Popular participation was larger than anticipated... However, the authorities should not consider popular vote as a sign of popular approval of their performance. People have very serious criticism against performance of the authorities, their factional quarrels, bad management, economic corruption, inflation, unemployment and the like... Public participation in election has different motives, the most important of which is belief in preservation of the foundations of the regime, particularly in a threat environment. Of course some motives may be personal such as the candidacy of a particular individual, or the need for a stamp in the ID [Iranian voters receive a stamp in their ID cards when they vote]..." 
  • Other commentary articles on the election:
    • According to Baztab-e Emrouz, Tehran General Governorate has announced the number of eligible voters in Tehran 2.5 million less than the actual number in order to statistically boost the participation rate in the capital.
      • The story has since been censored.
    • According to Mehr News, Guardian Council Spokesman Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei, only three hours into the voting, announced that the participation rate had grown by 8-9% compared to the parliamentary election four years ago. 
    • Digarban wonders why Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei did not thank the public for participation of 64% of eligible voters. 
    • Former president Mohammad Khatami explains why he did not boycott the parliamentary election:
      • "I don't expect everyone to be persuaded by my explanation, particularly because of restrictions concerning public exchanges of information..."
      • "I acted from the position of reform, and in order to preserve the narrow apertures of reform, which I consider the most important sources of or the only means of preserving the pride of the country and achieving the true ideals of the revolution... and also in order to repel external and internal threats." 
  • [E] The Iranian interior ministry announced the final results of the Friday parliamentary elections in the country after ballot counting in Tehran - as the most crowded and last constituency in Iran - ended. 

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