A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


  • For the first time since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the Iranian parliament summoned the president to answer questions
  • Ahmadinejad answers questions from parliamentarians:
    • Lack of government payment for the Tehran Metro:
      • "How can the government give [the Tehran Municipality] a loan? The government has no such loans. The Central Bank director had announced that the foreign exchange account was zero and there was nothing. How can such a scheme be executed when there is nothing...? You say there should be alternative funding, but you did not point to the source. Should it [be reduced] from the health budget? School teachers or development projects? You should explain the source..."
    • Unemployment:
      • "According to the Central Bank's report, in 2010 the economy grew by 6.1%. Iran Statistics said the rate was 7.3%. Now, how can one not create job opportunities? This is possible. If you help, it is possible..."
    • Subsidy reforms:
      • "How should one do it? The government experienced the most stringent restrictions; there were economic sanctions and a global [financial] crisis. According to friends and foes, the government has performed well in this field... According to the Iran Statistics and the Central Bank reports this year's economic growth rate will not be less than 8 to 9%."
    • Absence from office for 11 days:
      • "They said I stayed home for 11 days. This is really one of those things. Ahmadinejad staying home resting."
    • Disrespect for the parliament:
      • "We sincerely serve the parliament..."
    • Embezzlement:
      • "In the middle of the election, they made all sorts of allegations against the government, saying $1 billion is missing. They have not found any easier target than the president."
  • Parliamentarians respond to Ahmadinejad's speech:
    • Ali Mottahari:
      • "The law has provided foreign exchange resources for the Tehran Metro and for development of infrastructure in megacities... How come the 30% budget increased was not enacted [by the government]...? In an interview... the president announced that the government does not consider the bill a law and in the end the bill was never enacted."
      • "According to the Cooperative Minister... during the five years of the Fourth Economic Development Plan 1,076,455 jobs were created... How could the government create 1,600,000 jobs in 2010 alone?"
      • "According to the Article 8 of the Law on Reform of the Subsidies Plan, the government is tasked with redirecting 30% of the income from the reform of the subsidies into the producers... Why has the government not done so?"
      • "Mr. President, was it not you who said the reform of the subsidies plan would not be inflationary? People are screaming because of the rising prices... Increasing withdrawals from the oil revenue [and infusion of it into the economy] has caused inflation and rising prices..."
      • "Why did you resist 11 days before accepting the Leader's decree on [Intelligence Minister Hojjat al-Eslam Heydar] Moslehi. What explanations do you have for this?"
      • "What do you mean when you say that the parliament is not at the helm of the affairs?"
      • "Why has only 20% of the cultural budget been used in 2010-2011 fiscal year?
      • "The head of your office has been the exponent of propagation of 'the school of Iran,' rather than 'the school of Islam.'... It has been interpreted as stimulating ethnic sentiments dividing the Muslims..."
      • "The president has said that his role model is the governance of Cyrus... Is Cyrus or the Prophet or Ali our governance role model?"
    • In response to Mottahari, Ahmadinejad ridicules the parliamentarians:
      • "I have a couple of clear words about chastity and the hijab. I say that this nation is the most civilized nation. The basis for dealing with people should be love. We defended the honor of the people saying that one should not give trouble to girls and boys. They are our own children. It was young people like them who administered the war and revolution."
      • Sir, can one zoom in the camera on all people when it comes to [celebration of the] Revolution Day and elections [reference to the state television's use of ladies with deficient hijab in Revolution Day rallies in order to demonstrate wide public support for the regime], but give them trouble after the election? Is this not a contradiction?"
      • "Let me have some jokes with you. Who among us has never sinned? Of course, sinning is bad and I am against it, but do we not commit sins?"
      • "They say 'why do you talk of Iran, it has led to ethnic tension.' I say, dear father, everyone says that Iran's civilization and manner is something else. The Iranian nation continues the path of the prophet. Iran means Alavi Shiite Islam. You say my statements have led to ethnic tensions. Was the eight years long war my fault as well?"
      • "Executing great nuclear plans, [transforming Iran into] a space power, realizing all the slogans of previous governments, [respecting] dignity of the people and thousands of other services. Is this deviation? If that is the case, most of the people of Iran and most of the people sitting here [in parliament] are in the same line [of deviation]."
      • "I swear to God we are Iranians! With a loud voice I say that I love the greatness of the Iranian nation and I am proud of it. We must say Iran; we can't say Britain [reference to the popular perception that clerics are agents of imperial Britain]. If we abandon Iran, where should we be attached to? I swear to God that God loves Iran as well! This is no ethnic strife. You too love Iran, don't you?"
      • "We are close to the New Year. Let’s have some fun! Can one criticize the parliament? Would you allow? Can I say? I want to ask you a question. It is a relevant one. In your opinion, who corrected the bill on state administration after the bill was approved by the Guardian Council, according to which the parliament was exempted [from supervision]? How come the law is good, but as long as it does not supervise the parliament and the Audit Court?"
      • "Don't get angry; this is just for fun. Can one achieve a bachelor's degree just by pushing a button [reference to legal requirement for minimum educational qualification in order to run for parliament, which clerics bypassed saying their traditional education equals a university degree]. There are regulations, which you don't respect!"
      • "The president is at the street level; he is the servant of the nation... Don't worry; I'll even serve you [parliamentarians] fruit compote if you demand it. It is hardly a sign of bravery that you want to declare war against me."
      • "I only came to the parliament in order to deliver material for the New Year [amusement] of the people. The questions you had prepared to examine me were not very hard. I think the one who prepared the questions was one of those who got a bachelor's degree by pushing a button. Had you consulted me before, I would have given better answers. I have answered all the questions. Now is the time for you to give the marks. Should you give me less than 20 [out of 20] it would be unjust!"  
    • Asr-e Iran reports skirmishes in front of the parliament between Ahmadinejad's supporters and opponents.
    • Reactions to Ahmadinejad's speech:
    • Asr-e Iran releases the names of parliamentarians who forced the president to answer questions at the parliament.

Photos of the Day