A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


    • Audio of the Q&A session.
  • Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani says he will not allow the Constitutional Supervisory Committee, which was appointed by Ahmadinejad without consultation with Khamenei, to inspect the Judiciary.


  • Ayatollah Emami Kashani, temporary Tehran Friday prayer leader: "What can administer the world is the Quran. There is nothing in the Bible or the Torah. They burn the Quran in order to show their anger and mercilessness. We greet the Muslims and the Afghan nation for rebelling against the burning of Quran." 
  • The office of Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Modaressi condemns an arsonist attack against the Imam Reza Mosque in Brussels in which Sheikh Abdullah al-Dahdouh al-Maghrebi was killed. The office of the ayatollah accuses the "Wahabis" of being behind the arson. 
    • Belgium's interior minister condemns the attacks, and says the arsonist who has been arrested belongs to an extremist group.

Military and Security

Human Rights

  • Mohammad-Javad Larijani, the Islamic Republic Judiciary's Human Rights Headquarters:
    • "The opposition in Iran, meaning the reformists, has forty representatives in parliament. Those who are imprisoned are not there because of their political beliefs. They act outside the framework of the law. In order to be engaged in civic activities one must respect the law, even if the laws are not to their liking. In Iran, should anyone dismiss the existence of God or be against the Islamic regime, why should he be able to participate in an election which entails the individual pledging service to the Islamic regime...?"
    • Euronews reporter: "Did [Mir-Hossein] Mousavi and [Mehdi] Karrubi challenge the existence of God?"
    • Mohammad-Javad Larijani: "I am saying that they, in the latest election, were involved in a coup against the regime. That was not electoral campaigning. They abused the electoral atmosphere, and in the end, even prior to the release of the result, they declared themselves winners and urged the people to go to the streets and topple the government and form a new government. This certainly is a coup and it is great crime."

Photos of the Day