A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


Military and Security

  • Masoud Jazayeri, the deputy head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
    • "Apparently no one in the White House understands the dangerous dimensions of continued presence of the United States and its Western allies in Afghanistan, particularly after the latest crimes and increased hatred and protest of the Afghans... Americans should know that by exaggerating the events in Syria, they can never hide their countless crimes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Fundamentally, the people of these countries will not allow the enemy to utilize such a strategy... They will soon open new fronts against the occupiers in order to slay the old empire of the United States to the ground... Western occupiers of Afghanistan will face a hard punishment... Growing protest rallies of the Muslim nation of Afghanistan and establishing resistance cells to deal blows to American interests are among tactics which could be organized against the invaders..."
  • Mohammad-Hassan Mansourian, Air Defense deputy, addressing the Air Defense Commanders' Seminar, says changes in the structure of Iran's air defenses which include establishment of air defense units in the northern, southern and eastern parts of Iran. According to Mansourian, the air defense systems were established following "enemy military presence" in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and "in southern countries."
  • Basij Commander Mohammad-Reza Naqdi says "Russia begins mass producing its missiles after 85 test rounds, but we start the process after two to three test fires..." Naqdi also says this is because of "divine assistance" to Iran's missile programs. 
  • According to Mashreq News, Elias Mahmoudi, former Judiciary Counter Intelligence commander, has been arrested in the $1.5 billion embezzlement case.


Religion, Society and Culture

Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Afghan politicians and media react to statements by Iran’s deputy head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Masoud Jazayeri, who recently urged the Afghan people to expel foreign troops from their country by force.  
    • Janan Mosazai, Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman: “It is the right of the Afghan government and people to decide what to do and what position to take… Afghanistan is an independent country and takes decisions on the basis of its national interest.” Mosazai added that the Afghan government highly values its relations with the international community, particularly the United States, and does not want to suffer isolation as in the 1990s. 
    • Omar Sharifi, political analyst in Kabul: “Afghanistan’s long-term partnership with the outside world in reality guarantees stability in the country and the region. But it is clear that many of our neighboring countries do not want stability in Afghanistan.” Sharifi also blamed neighboring countries of inciting violence in the wake of Koran burning. 
    • Nasrullah Stanekzai, an Afghan political analyst, describes Jazayeri’s statements as “Iran’s overt interference in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.”
    • Afghan journalists accuse Iran of using the Koran burning incident and Kandahar killings to fuel anti-American sentiments in Afghanistan

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