A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English 


  • Analyst Sadeq Zibakalam on Ahmadinejad's political life after his term ends in 2013:
    • "I believe Ahmadinejad still has some cards to play. Apparently, his biggest card is not to make too much mayhem in the course of the next year and half. The regime expects to proceed calmly in the remaining time so that Ahmadinejad is not impeached. Under any circumstances, it is clear that the regime does not want Ahmadinejad to have the destiny of [Abol-Hassan] Bani-Sadr. In an all out conflict between the regime and Ahmadinejad, the regime will prevail since Ahmadinejad has no power in such a battle, but the principled [faction] does not want such a showdown to take place. Therefore, Ahmadinejad’s downfall would be the political and moral downfall of the principled [faction]..."
    • "Establishing a mass political party is different from mobilizing mass popular support. A party needs organizational work which is contrary to Ahmadinejad's nature... He may run for parliament and he will be elected... but will likely not manage to become the speaker of parliament..."
  • Asr-e Iran explains why the regime has chosen economic terms to name the past five years.
  • Ali-Asghar Sijani, director of "The Emergence [of the Imam of the Era] is Very Near," a movie which praised Ahmadinejad, is once again arrested.
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Mohammad-Ali Abtahi, Combatant Clergy Association member: "This [reform] movement must clarify its boundaries with the regime opponents...."


  • Without prior announcement, the government increases cash handouts to Iranian citizens to 735,000 rials per month.

Iran in the Afghan Media

  • [E] Speaking at the 5th Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan in Tajikistan, Ahmadinejad said the twin menace of terrorism and drug trafficking could be overcome if foreign troops left Afghanistan. He added Iran was ready to provide Afghanistan with financial and technical support, but that the presence of foreign forces remained the core dilemma. He accused NATO of massacring innocent Afghan civilians.

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