A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


  • Masoud Jazayeri, the deputy head of Iran's armed forces joint chiefs of staff:
    • "Those involved in creating problems in Syria will be punished. The people will not forget such interventions... Had the enemies of Syria been able to launch a military campaign, they would not have hesitated to pressure the front of resistance..."
  • Basij Commander Mohammad-Reza Naqdi comments on Rafsanjani's statements on relations between Iran and the United States:
    • "There was a time when the United States was mighty, had the greatest economy in the world, and enjoyed the highest position in the world when it came to military power, politics and influence in the international public opinion. We discovered the true nature of the Americans and we revolted against them. And by slapping the United States in the face, we established our revolution. Therefore, the United States is now among the weakest countries with a bankrupted economy and reduced military power. And the international public opinion despises it. It would be naive to show this kind of softness in the face of Satan." 
    • "The precondition for any kind of relationship and negotiation with the United States is that this country expresses its remorse and repentance for all the crimes it has committed against the nations, ends its hegemony and military invasion against the countries, and withdraws its military forces from all over the world... When the Americans abandon their predatory nature and become human beings, then one can negotiate with the United States."

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Jomhouri-ye Eslami editorializes:
    • "The agenda [of the 5+1 Group at the Istanbul negotiations] is one of the tricks of the West, which begins with maximalist demands in order to pressure the counterpart. This time, closure of the Fordo site and an end to 20% enrichment was aired by the Western media. In return, Iran opposed any precondition and high demands. Therefore, one must wait and see if the Western party is willing to solve the problems and accept realities or not?"
  • Kayhan editorializes:
    • "Nine years of [nuclear] negotiations have shown the bullying nature of the United States and its friends in a long historical period and has proved that hoping in negotiations has not had the slightest benefit for the country. One must continue the strategy of brave resistance and one must proceed with demands alongside the policy of dialogue in order to clarify and prove Iran's right and might."
  • Iran Atomic Energy Organization announces that the Bushehr nuclear power plant will be delivered to Iran in October


  • The media calls into question Ahmadinejad's claim of creating 1.6 million jobs in the past year:
    • Farda News: "The statistics announced by the president is not backed up by the Iran Statistics Center or the Labor Ministry... The fact that relevant institutions are unaware of the job creation rate in the country, or are not inclined to know it, is a separate discussion. But the fundamental and more important issue is this: Why does the president only discuss the employment numbers at his provincial trips when he addresses the people and never at official seminars with experts...? Who prepares the statistics for the president anyway...?"
    • Baztab: "Is Ahmadinejad providing statistics, or is he expressing hope?"


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