A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • On an unofficial visit to Iran, former French premier Michel Rocard dismisses rumors that he is carrying the message of the newly elected French president to Tehran. 
  • Reactions to the Bahrain-Saudi union plan:
    • Kayhan editorializes: "The people of Bahrain have revolted against the American Khalifa regime for more than 15 months... Incapable of suppressing the popular rebellion... the Khalifa regime is seeking the Al Saud clan's help... However, the message of this 'union' is simple: 'the heavy defeat of the Khalifa clan due to the Islamic awakening and the victory of the Bahraini nation...' Not only is the 'union' scheme incapable of preventing the victory of the Bahraini Muslims, it will also enhance the capabilities of the Shi'a in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia..."
    • Amir Mousavi, former adviser to the minister of defense:
      • "The union is unlikely to take place since the majority of the people protest against it and do not recognize it. Civil society groups in Bahrain demand a referendum. And without a referendum, any union or international or regional relation at this level is not acceptable. The head of the largest government opposition movement, al-Wefaq, and other political and civic groups of Bahrain have declared that they do not recognize this union and will continue their struggle..."
      • "Should the struggle spread to Saudi Arabia, it would be to the benefit of the Bahrainis, since these Bahrainis could join hands with the Saudi protesters in the east..."
      • "Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and even the Emirates are not inclined to join Saudi Arabia in a union..."
      • "The Saudis do not even have a constitution and rule their country in a retrograde fashion. Therefore, it is unlikely that these countries should accept to be under the rule of another state in the Persian Gulf region. They feel that they are small states which will disappear in a state like Saudi Arabia. And Saudi Arabia can consolidate its hegemony over them, which is not acceptable to the states and the nations of the region..."
      • "They [Saudi Arabia] have accelerated [their effort] because they have realized that the future negotiations of Iran with the West in Baghdad will reach an agreement. They would consider any agreement, even if insignificant, contrary to their interests. Therefore they have established a regional entity to use as a defensive shield..."
      • "They will do anything in their power to decrease Iran's power. They claim that Iran intervenes in their affairs and wherever they are defeated they see it as the result of Iranian intervention. Therefore, they try to mobilize Western support to prevent Iran's power projection..."
      • "The regional countries have entered a phase similar to the one during the war [with Iraq]... they try to provoke the West to deal blows to and attack Iran. They are the vanguards of the United States attacks against Iran..."
    • Ammar Hakim, head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq:
      • "This plan is very recent, does not seem serious, and has not been ratified. But since it has been refused by the people of Bahrain, we are against it. Should the plan be pursued, we will announce our position, which of course is that our position is the position of the people of Bahrain." 
    • Shi'a News: "The Riyadh summit smells of blood.
    • Political analyst Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh: "The Saud clan acts out of fear." 

Nuclear Issue


  • Rafsanjani speaking to the Producers' Center Committee members discusses the economic problems of the production sector:
    • "Methods used after the imposed war [in 1988], [including] declaration of the policy of not creating enemies and constructive cooperation with the world were the first serious steps in supporting the economy and production in the country at that time... In this way, foreign resources [foreign direct investments] and lines of credit were attracted [to Iran]. And inside Iran, all present forces, executives, planners and experts, led to fast development of the foundation and development of the country..."


Religion, Society and Culture

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