A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


  • Ahmadinejad addresses newly elected parliamentarians:
    • "The cabinet never intervenes in the work of the legislature... Tomorrow you will enter the parliament and you will appoint the committees. The chairman, deputy and other positions are all within your capability. We believe in this. We do not have an egoistic, politicizing view attempting to recruit and mobilize or to engage in factionalism... There is a division of labor... Why did the revolution take place? Was the purpose to elect some executives from the southern [poorer] parts of town, the villages and distant places to come to live in northern Tehran? When these people came to office, they did not have any money for their daily needs, but they have become billionaires, factory owners and merchants. Was this the purpose of the revolution...? The head of the chief inspectorate does nothing but shouting insults against the cabinet. And when it comes to the parliament, it is not answerable to anyone but God Almighty. This is also apparent in our constitution, which may be a fault... God forbid the day when people say about elected officials: 'Such a pity; what we wanted and what we get.'"    
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Hassan Khomeini, grandson of the founder of the Islamic Republic, says he will not run for president in 2013. He said this while participating at the funeral of brother of Mohammad Mousavi Khoeiniha in Tehran 

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Ahmadinejad in an interview with France 24:
    • "There is lack of trust on both sides and in order to achieve the desired result, both parties need to cooperate within the framework of justice and law. We have good suggestions which we will present when the time is ripe... Production of 20% enriched uranium is our legal right. We were not inclined to use this right. We told the agency about our needs, according to the regulations. States engaged in production of 20% enriched uranium are obliged to give us the uranium without any conditions, but they did not do so and they made political conditions prior to delivering it to us. We had no choice but investing in it and produce the 20% enriched uranium ourselves. This is our right... Contrary to the propaganda, 20% enriched uranium is not a move to produce the bomb. There is no relationship between the two... Why does this create mistrust? Should we trust the Westerners who themselves have the nuclear bomb? Should we trust those who produce 99% enriched uranium? Is the nuclear bomb more dangerous or the 20% enriched uranium? They have the nuclear bomb at their disposal and we do not protest. We are against the nuclear bomb in its entirety... They should talk with Iran in with different language... The negotiations [with the 5+1 Group] do not take place in order to prevent the Zionists from attacking us. The problem of the world is not our nuclear program. The problem is that they [Israel] want to attack us and the Westerners are against this. If this is the issue, it is the problem of the Zionist regime and not Iran's problem. If he [Israel] attacks, it would not constitute a problem. We [Iran and the West] can cooperate. Not because we fear their [Israel's] threats..."

Photo of the Day