A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Nuclear negotiations:
    • Hossein Sheikh al-Eslam, foreign policy adviser to the parliamentary speaker and a former deputy foreign minister, says the Islamic Republic had the upper hand in the Baghdad nuclear negotiations with the 5+1 Group. According to Sheikh al-Eslam, Said Jalili, Supreme National Security Council secretary, told the 5+1 Group:
      • "I can explode a nuclear bomb right here and right now. I can do so by leaving negotiations. In reality, the Iranian party leaving the negotiations would have the same impact on the West as exploding a nuclear bomb."
      • Sheikh al-Eslam continues: "This tactic of the Iranian party forced the West to retreat. Luckily, the negotiator who is negotiating on behalf of the Iranian nation is very vigilant and one must praise him. Said Jalili showed the wish of the Iranian people to the West and said: 'We will not retreat.'"
    • Sobh-e Sadeq warns President Obama against "missing the opportunity in the Moscow negotiations" to reach an agreement with the Islamic Republic. It concludes that the Islamic Republic may opt to wait "for the person who will replace Obama [in the White House]."
    • Ayatollah javadi Amoli says "the West is trying to kill time in Moscow." 
  • [E] Iran’s foreign minister expressed hope for constructive talks in Moscow.


Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Iran’s foreign ministry at the “Heart of Asia” conference in Kabul:
    • "Unfortunately, the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan over the past decade has resulted in worsening security, (economic) growth, an increase in terrorist activities, drug trafficking, organized crime and killing of civilians.''
    • "As it is clear, one specific country aims to continue its military presence in Afghanistan, it goals are beyond the area, which has raised concerns among regional countries.''

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