A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Reports on Moscow negotiations:
    • Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei: "The nations create their destinies by resisting the hegemonic powers."
    • According to Mehr News, the Islamic Republic negotiation team headed by Said Jalili, Supreme National Security Council secretary and chief nuclear negotiator, do not have "any greater hope" for the Moscow negotiations to succeed. According to Mehr News, the pessimism of the Iranian team is based on "behavior of the representative of the negotiating states [Catherine Ashton] in the recent past, experience of the Baghdad meeting, lack of cooperation to arrange preliminary meetings, and not having the necessary powers to present proposals at the negotiation meeting. There is not much hope in the progress of the negotiations." According to Mehr, the Iranian negotiators also believe that "the Westerners have not been honest to the agreed upon principles in previous meetings. Should repetitive statements of the past meetings be presented, the negotiations will most certainly fail."
    • Ali Baqeri, Foreign Policy and International Security director of the Supreme National Security Council, meeting the deputy foreign minister of China visiting Moscow, stresses on the positive role of China in Iran's negotiations with the 5+1 Group. Baqeri also says the 5+1 Group should remain loyal to the Istanbul II agreements and the agreements between Said Jalili and Catherine Ashton reached in the course of a phone conversation.
    • According to Mehr News, Iranian journalists were not invited to a meeting of Wendy Sherman, United States Undersecretary of State, with journalists in Moscow.
    • Baztab slams the British newspaper The Guardian's disclosure of Indian intelligence reports documenting Islamic Republic involvement in the attempt on the life of the Israeli ambassador to India. Baztab writes that the disclosure is an active attempt at derailing the Moscow talks.
    • Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani says the 5+1 negotiations are not so important that the West can impose anything on Iran.

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