A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English

Nuclear Issue

  • Nuclear negotiations in Moscow:
    • The Islamic Republic continues the second day of negotiations with the 5+1 Group in Moscow. 
    • Fararu News publishes details from yesterday's negotiations which were released by The Guardian. According to this report, the Islamic Republic representatives started the negotiations by demanding that Iran's right to enrichment of uranium be recognized, the sanctions be removed in return for Iran's cooperation with the IAEA, Iran and the 5+1 Group cooperate in nuclear cooperation, both parties engage in trust building measures including limiting the uranium enrichment to a maximum of 20% enrichment, and cooperate in the field of non-nuclear issues, for example in the fight against narcotics and regional issues such as Syria and Bahrain. On the other hand, the Islamic Republic has refused the 5+1 Group's demands to stop production of 20% enriched uranium, to shut down the Fordo enrichment facility and transfer the 20% enriched uranium abroad. Fararu quoting The Guardian also writes that the Russian representative engaged in an energetic support for the Islamic Republic.
    • Ali Baqeri, secretary to Said Jalili, had a separate meeting with the Russian negotiator. According to Farda News, the Islamic Republic has welcomed a proposal by Moscow.
    • Farda News accuses Catherine Ashton, the 5+1 Group chief negotiator, of memorizing Israeli demands rather than commitments earlier made to the Islamic Republic.
    • Shafaf News slams "the West's unwillingness to make progress in the Moscow negotiations."
    • According to Aftab News, the West is inclined to continuing the negotiations


Military and Security

Iran in the Afghan Media

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