A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


  • Parliamentarian Elias Naderan criticizes the Judiciary's "selective" fight against corruption:
    • "The claim of the Judiciary [of tackling corruption] will only be proven when it catches the big fish accused of involvement in the economic corruption file of the Iran Insurance [Company] and when it does not make any difference between them and other indicted individuals. Unfortunately, particularly in the case known as Iran Insurance, we see difference in [treatment] of those charged. Even in the $3 billion embezzlement case some people are mentioned in the court against whom there are no charges... The Judiciary should not expect the people to believe that it is defending the rights of the people and the regime, when we in practice see that the Judiciary, whenever it gets close to the big fish, faces a steel shield or a concrete dam and is prevented from pursuing the case."
  • According to Oil Minister Rostam Qassemi, the Oil Ministry has been granted $14 billion from the National Development Reserve for development of the oil and gas industry. 


Military and Security

Nuclear Issue


  • Mohsen Qomsari, National Iranian Oil Company International Affairs director, says in the wake of the European Union oil embargo against Iran, "African countries make a new market for Iran's oil exports." Qomsari said the Islamic Republic was negotiating crude exports to Kenya, Zimbabwe and Tajikistan. 

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