A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English


  • A group of vigilantes interrupted a speech by and threw water bottles at Hojjat al-Eslam Ali-Akbar Nateq Nouri, the head of the Supreme Leader's Chief Inspectorate, at the mausoleum of Imam Reza in Mashhad.
    • Khabar Online writes that the public anger against Nateq Nouri is because of his recent interview with Negah-e Panjshanbeh, in which he described people claiming to have seen the Imam of the Era as "psychologically ill."
      • "During the war, some of the kids with lower degree of tolerance suffered at the front because of being away from family, pressure of war, and being homesick. They had become depressed and were wrestling with a kind of psychological illness. Some of them claimed they saw the Imam of the Era. No no one paid attention to this issue at the beginning. Later [the authorities] saw an increasing number of people who had seen the Lord. They were delusional. When I was interior minister, I went to inspect the [war] zone at the front. Around Ilam, a kid with an electrifying face, long beard, shaved head and with his hands [colored] by henna, in a holy way, walked to me. Suddenly he said: 'Sir, listen to what this bird is saying.' Instead of telling me what it was, he began beating his chest and saying: 'The bird is saying, oh, Hussein was killed...' Some people become delusional and gradually this delusion becomes their belief. If you reinforce and spread it, it is clear what the result will be. Superstition will arise from it, from which our society today is suffering. Our mistake is not to oppose such superstition and delusions..."
    • Said Qassemi, a well known demagogue, attacks Nateq Nouri, calling him: "those who chose silence during the sedition" [saketin-e fetneh], "elites without insight" [khavas-e bi-basirat], and "those who did not pass the (exam) of sedition" [mardoudin-e fetneh]. He continued:
      • "Mr. Nateq Nouri, where were you in the midst of the war and front? I would be thankful if you would clarify this.... That he has responsibilities at the Inspectorate of the Supreme Leader is not enough for us. Being appointed by His Lordship and the Guardian Jurist only increases the responsibilities of individuals. But the Imam [Khomeini] said it is the present state of people upon which they should be judged... One can't talk of justice but at the same time live a wealthy life in houses similar to aristocrats’. The Imam [Khomeini] taught us that the only people who remain in the line of the revolution, the Imam and the guardianship to the end are those who have tasted poverty and hunger, among whom the wealthy certainly don't belong. One can't be busy horse riding and living in villas, and talk of justice."
    • Asr-e Iran counters the pro-Ahmadinejad Iran's news story that those instigating unrest at the mausoleum were arrested by the Law Enforcement Forces.


Military and Security

  • Contrary to initial statements made by Iran's Red Crescent, First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi says Iran is ready to receive international aid and assistance to the victims of earthquake in East Azerbaijan province.
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Saidi, representative of the Supreme Leader to the Revolutionary Guards, addressing the Basij says: "Mr. Hashemi [Rafsanjani's] way of speaking shows that he is doubtful in many ways... On some occasions, he has talked of a leadership council [rather than one Supreme Leader]. Recently he talked of a council of theologians. And he has also said: 'Why do you make an earthly guardianship heavenly.'"
  • [E] A senior commander of the Iranian Armed Forces underlined the necessity for nationwide preparedness to repel enemy threats against the country, saying that all state bodies should set up headquarters to fight back enemies' soft war against Iran. 

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