A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English


  • Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei receives Ahmadinejad and his cabinet:
    • "[West’s enmity with Iran is because of] the constant progress of the Islamic Republic, revival of the slogans of the revolution, the great and most important awakening of the nations of the region, and [Western attempts] to prevent the rise of Iran as a role model in the eyes of these nations." 
    • "These days some ask:  'why do you create enemies,' but such words are because of wrong analysis."
    • "At the time of Imam Khomeini too there was no end to the enmity of the Arrogant [powers] because the Imam decisively defended the revolution, Islam and Iran. This truth shows that whenever the authorities and the Iranian nation take a tough position, the face of the enemy will become sourer. Of course, the Arrogant [powers] will never prevail when facing this nation..."
  • Student activists of the "Islamic Awakening," along with student activists from Yemen and Bahrain arrange a symbolic street trial of the King of Bahrain in front of the Bahraini Embassy in Tehran. The trial condemned the King to 100 times execution. 
  • [E] A senior Iranian MP condemned the attempts made by the US and its allies to hamper the presence of the Non-Alignment Movement member states in the upcoming summit meeting of the grouping in Tehran, and said the presence of Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi in the conference will be deemed as a great failure for Washington.
  • [E] A spokesperson of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced in a statement on Thursday that the UN chief plans to confer with Iran on the crisis in Syria on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran next week. 

Military and Security


  • Khamenei urged the cabinet to use the entire capacities of the government and nongovernment sectors to solve the economic problems of the people, fight against economic corruption, support national production and fight against waste. Khamenei said the cabinet is "famous for being hardworking," and added: "Even international monitoring institutions confess Iran's progress, however, some of them suffer from delusion because of wrong assessment." 


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