A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English



  • Non-Alignment Movement summit in Tehran:

Military and Security

  • Farda News releases another part of the Andisheh-ye Pouya interview with Intelligence Ministry co-founder Said Hajjarian:
    • "At the time of the revolution, I returned to military service but found out everyone had deserted. They suggested that I be the commander of the Gendarmerie Corps of Engineers, but I said I did not want engineering and joined the [Revolutionary] Committee of Naziabad... The kids at the Esteqlal Committee asked why I had done so and invited me to join the Joint Force Command, so I joined the [Revolutionary] Committee at the Second Bureau of the Army [Intelligence]... In the Army we would identify those who had people the people during the martial law and would send them to the court. Was it wrong? Was it wrong to deal with those who had killed the people...? It was [Prime Minister Mehdi] Bazargan who officially made me an intelligence official. He issued a decree for me [to join] the Navy Counter Intelligence. I enrolled in the Army Counter Intelligence towards the end of 1979, even before receiving the decree from Bazargan... I was not interested in intelligence work, but the truth is that we sat with the kids from the Mojahedin-e Enqelab [faction] and analyzed the threats to the revolution. We asked from which quarter the revolution could be dealt a blow. From which place would there be the threat of a coup d'état? The Army Joint Command? Which unit within it? We had to study the files in the Second Bureau of the Army to see who could possibly engage in a coup and we could identify them. Our intelligence work aimed at safeguarding the revolution. In the beginning of the revolution everyone had gone somewhere. There were those who were looking for money. They went to the palaces. There were those who craved guns, they went to the garrisons and stole G3. There were those who were looking for files. They stormed the SAVAK to erase their own footprint. [This is what] Tudeh and Hojjatiyeh [Charitable Society] members did. Mojahedin-e Enqelab kids went to the Second Bureau of the Army, because of the analysis which I mentioned."


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