A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English 


  • Rafsanjani receives student activists: "A free and transparent [presidential] election based on the constitution could solve the greatest part of the country’s problems. In addition to increasing the trust of the public and pro-regime people, it would also take the hope from foreign enemies who will find themselves disarmed."
  • A Facebook group urges Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei to run for president.


  • Diplomasi-ye Irani's comparative analysis of Obama and Romney's Iran policy depicts Obama as someone who gives concessions to the Islamic Republic, and Romney as a "bully."
    • Diplomasi-ye Irani's analysis of the two presidential contenders' North Korea policy depicts the same picture: "Obama's carrots and Romney's stick."
  • News stories concerning closure of the Canadian Embassy in Tehran:
  • Mohsen Pak-Ayin, head of the Afghanistan Committee of the Foreign Ministry discusses Iran/Afghanistan economic relations:
    • "For almost a year, the United States has used different tricks, in particular threats against the political and economic authorities in Afghanistan, in an attempt to create obstacles in the path of Tehran/Kabul economic relations. The United States Treasury delegation's visit led to press reports which triggered some reactions... But as predicted, this American request was ignored by the Afghan authorities, which in reality is a negative reaction [to the United States]... If the United States hinders Afghanistan's trade with Iran, the Afghan economy will face a crisis, and the United States is disrupting Afghanistan's economic development... For the time being, most oil imports... of Afghanistan take place through the Iranian border. Afghanistan has purchased $1.1 billion worth of products from Iran during the past five months. In reality, Afghan merchants, following Iraq, China and the United Arab Emirates, have made the greatest imports from Iran placing Afghanistan fourth among countries importing from Iran..."

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