A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English   



  • Negotiations with the United States:
    • Majid Omidi, the President’s Political Affairs director:
      • "Unfortunately, there were some people who claimed that the president was pursuing negotiations with the United States... Ever since the revolution until now, we have had certain frameworks for negotiations with the United States... Negotiations in themselves are not bad, but we approve of negotiations based on certain frameworks which still do not exist... The government has not had any secret or overt negotiations with the United States..."
    •  Abbas Eraghchi, Foreign Ministry Asia and Pacific director: "If we want to negotiate with the United States, we will not do it secretly."
    • The General Staff, in a statement commemorating the anniversary of the takeover of the United States Embassy in Tehran calls "whispers about negotiations with the United States" "suspicious," and stresses: "The United States is still the Great Satan and number one enemy of the revolution and the regime of the Islamic Republic." 
  • Asr-e Iran columnist Amir-Hossein Teymouri criticizes what he calls "backwardness" in the field of American Studies in Iran.
  • [E] Iranian First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi in a meeting with Syrian Oil Minister Said Maza Hanidi blamed the US and Israel for unrests in Syria, and stressed Tehran's continued support for the Syrian people and government. 

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