A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

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  • Mohammad-Javad Larijani, Judiciary Human Rights Committee chairman: "Should the interests of the regime require, we will negotiate with the United States even in the depths of hell."

  • Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani, Judiciary Chief, comments on Iran/US relations:

    • "Four years ago, Obama entered the arena with the slogan of change and announced that he would extend a hand of cooperation towards Iran, but in practice, he behaved otherwise. Unprecedented sanctions were imposed on Iran and it is natural that the people of Iran would never forget the crimes of the United States... Having relations with the United States is not easy. After all the pressure and crimes against the people of Iran perpetrated by the United States, one can't do this [establish relations] overnight. The Americans should not think that they can demand tribute [concession] from our nation by coming to the negotiation table... The United States is completely mistaken to think it can demand tribute. And our nation has proven that it has stubbornly maintained its position in realizing the high ideals of the revolution... But of course, we think whenever the United States stops the damage it would be in its own interest. Should it bow its head in front of the greatness of the Iranian nation, and manage to win the trust of the people, only at that time it has gained the faculty of reason."

  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Saidi, Representative of the Supreme Leader to the Revolutionary Guards, comments on Iran/US relations:

    • "Usually, relations between different countries are possible when both parties respect each others' rights and do not follow their imperialist and conspiratorial nature... In the case of the United States, it is abundantly clear that the United States seeks hegemony in its relations and this very issue is a great obstacle to this [having relations with the United States]."

      • Saidi continued: "Those individuals who talk of relations with the United States only do so because of domestic political reasons."

      • Discussing the outcome of the presidential election in the United States Saidi said: "In this regard, a movement behind the scenes takes the decisions and I think there would not be any significant difference between Romney and Obama. The only difference is that the Republicans support the arms industry, through which they behead third world countries, while the Democrats support factories which produce household goods..."

      • "The foundation of the Imam and the Leader is so that in order to preserve the revolution there is no other way but countering the United States."  

  • Mehdi Mohtashami, former head of Foreign Ministry’s North America Directorate:

    • "Obama's foreign policy may change to a degree in the coming four years since Obama is no longer concerned about reelection. Therefore his hands are free. He may be harsher towards Israel in this term so that Israel returns to the Middle East peace negotiation table..."

    • "The Obama administration is likely to pursue its current policy towards Iran, meaning tightening the sanctions and giving time to Iran/5+1 Group negotiations."

    • "At the very least, this election means that the Islamic Republic knows what to expect from the United States in the coming four years. Meaning that Obama, in his second term in office, will definitely continue its policies - with ups and downs. Romney's foreign policy was more difficult to predict for Iran... Had Romney been elected president, in the next six months at the very least, we would have difficulties adjusting our relations with the United States, but with reelection of Obama, from tomorrow we will see him continue his previous policies..."

  • Sadeq Tabatabaei recalls the 1979 embassy seizure and says Grand Ayatollah Khomeini was opposed to the first round of the embassy seizure.

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