A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English    

Military and Security

  • The Intelligence Ministry's website publishes an article on "reasons and obstacles to the Zionist regime's attack against Iran."


  • Donya-ye Eqtesad editorializes:  

    • "... Not much time seems to be left to the beginning of another round of negotiations [between the Islamic Republic and the 5+1 Group]. In particular, Russia and China have stressed upon the importance of the time factor and have demanded negotiations as fast as possible. 

  • Kayhan editorializes:

    • "Obama is a weakened Bush, just like the United States in 2012 is like a watered down version of the United States in 2001."

  • Mardomsalari editorializes:

    • "Key of the White House remained in the hands of the Democrats: Defeat of the warmongers."

  • Tehran-e Emrooz editorializes:

    • "Because of the vast support of the Zionist lobby to his rival Mitt Romney, Barack Obama will further distance himself from the Israeli regime in the coming four years and will pursue a more independent policy compared with the past... Obama distancing himself from the Zionist lobby will create the opportunity for the Islamic Republic to test Obama's foreign policy so that the economic sanctions are gradually removed. Despite the fact that the international atmosphere - because of the economic pressures of the United States and the West against Iran - is not conducive for bilateral negotiations with the new administration, Obama's positive signals to Iran over the recent years taken into consideration, the possibility of removing the sanctions is not unlikely... Should these unjust sanctions be removed, a more pleasant atmosphere for positive cooperation with Iran will automatically follow..."



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