A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English 


  • According to Meyar News, Ahmadinejad is attempting to become the Nonaligned Movement general secretary. 
  • Vigilante leader Said Qassemi discusses relations with the United States in an interview with Teribon-e Mostazafin:
    • "For the past thirty three years we have struggled against a bunch of people who say, ‘Tone down [criticism of US]; we want peace; the world is a big village; we need to cooperate with each other.' This has been said for a time. During the Hashemi [Rafsanjani] era it was said in one way, and during [Mohammad] Khatami it was done differently. In Ahmadinejad's era, too, there are some dependent elements who express the same thing." 
    • "No one is talking about how miserable the British have become, how much more miserable the Argentineans have become, or the misery in Spain and France. The reason is the bad economic conditions which force the factories to close, but here no one talks about this. They say: 'As soon as we cooperate with the international community our conditions will improve.'"
    • "They make such claims that even the chewing gum seller in my neighborhood too believes it. When I ask him how much he takes for Orbit chewing gum he says 1,200 tomans. I complain why and he says: 'Mr. Qassemi, don't you know that the negotiations between Mr. Jalili and Mrs. Ashton did not produce any result?' I ask: 'And so what?' He says: 'Well, it is clear what will happen in the market tomorrow!' In other words, they have even managed to persuade him to adjust himself to Mrs. Ashton and Mr. Jalili!"


  • According to Mohammad-Hassan Abou-Torabifard, deputy parliamentary speaker, says the Islamic Republic has accumulated a $40 billion foreign currency reserve. 


  • According to Le Figaro, Tadbir Energy company is considering to purchase the Petit-Couronne oil refinery.

Photos of the Day

  • A day with students at Imam Sadeq University.