A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh and Ahmad Majidyar. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English  



  • Khamenei addresses the Professors at the Universities in the World of Islam and Islamic Awakening seminar:
    • "Liberation from the evil of the global hegemony is one of the goals of the Islamic awakening... This must be declared with perspicuity since any imagination concerning the Global Arrogance led by the United States making deals with Islamic movements is wrong... Wherever Islam and Islamists are, the United States will try its utmost to annihilate them. But of course it will pretend to smile [at Islamic movements coming to power]... We are not saying they [Islamists who have seized power in the Arab world] should wage war against the Arrogance, but if they don't keep their distance they will be deceived..."
    • "Bravo to the Palestinians, bravo to Hamas and Islamic Jihad and combatant brigades in Gaza who showed such bravery... I for my part thank all Palestinian combatants for their self sacrifice, struggle and patience... the war in Gaza showed that if they are all united and show patience in the face of hardships, the divine promise of victory and ease will materialize..."
    • "Unfortunately, regarding the Bahrain issue, we are witnessing the silence of the world of Islam which is because of a wrong view at it... Some look at the Bahrain issue from a sectarian angle and therefore defending a nation which has revolted against a corrupt regime is not allowed unless the viewer, like the people of Bahrain, is Shi'a."

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