A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English


  • Habibollah Asgarowladi, head of the Front of the Followers of the Imam [Khomenini] and Supreme Leadership, welcomed recent criticisms to his remarks suggesting that a correct understanding of the “sedition [fitneh] of 2009” will prevent sedition in 2013:
    • “When the enemy is not successful in its military, political, economic, and cultural warfare it will create an explosion within us and this internal explosion is ‘fitneh [sedition].’  This internal explosion will shake divisions that exist in society and will also create new division and cause tensions between the people and also between the people and the government; between the people and the system and between the people and the Supreme Leadership.”
    • “Sedition began in our country in 2009 when ballots indicated that Mr. Mousavi had more votes than Dr. Ahmadinejad in Tehran, Isfahan, and Shiraz.  The reports given to [Mousavi suggested] that it was over.  He declared victory, but later votes from the rest of the country were counted and he had not won the votes.  He became affected by sedition.” 

Military and Security

  • Armed Forces General Staff Basij Affairs and Defense Culture Deputy BG Massoud Jazayeri reported in a press conference on new missile developments and praised Iranian military capabilities:
    • “Fortunately our enemies in the region are close to us and in our range.  But even if enemies are not physically accessible to us, we have capabilities that will be announced at its proper time and will allow us to pursue and confront far enemies and will make them regret their attempts.  This is the power and strength of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
    • “Part of these [recent Ministry of Defense] unveilings are related to the space area and I hope that we will have pleasant news for society regarding satellites…. New achievements in long-range, medium-range, and short range ballistic missiles and new fighters and tanks and vehicles will also be unveiled”
    • “Iran's armed forces enjoy such power and capability in their missions that whenever the enemy thinks it does not have choice other than a military conflict it will realize at the last instant that it may be the instigator but will certainly not be the finisher.”
  • IRGC Commander MG Mohammad Ali Jafari praised the IRGC Navy for its growth in the  spiritual dimension during a promotion ceremony for the new commander of the IRGC Navy’s 4th Operational Zone:
    • “Today with the grace of God the IRGC Navy is ahead of other organizations in its expansion of spiritual matters in its organization, and is ahead of the rest of the IRGC forces and has done more [in this area].”
  • IRGC Navy Commander BG Ali Fadavi emphasized the long-term strategic planning of the navy at an exhibition of the latest Iranian domestic advances in sea-mines:
    • “[D]efense and security conditions and circumstances require that our strategy should not be segmented and dependent on the short-term, and in this regards we should provide all preparations that are necessary.”
    • “The characteristic that has made us adept in the field of conflict with the enemy and also successful in our defensive strategy modus operandi and unconventional warfare is that we have seen the enemy in the right scale not smaller nor larger and have adjusted our defensive capabilities with them.”
  • [E] DM Ahmad Vahidi said that “comprehensive sanctions have not disrupted the trend of measures and activities of our country’s defense industries.”
  • Supreme National Security Council Secretary Said Jalili said  during a meeting in Tehran with head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al Hakim that all rights of groups and tribes must in Iraq must be respected :
    • “Iraq has been able to overcome security and political difficulties with the will and decision of the people and the rights of all groups and tribes must be respected.”
    • “The Iraqi people, with awareness, will render the enemy’s plan to create divisions in Iraq unsuccessful.”


  • Senior Foreign Affairs Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati answered questions on Syria and talks with the United States in an interview with Mehr:
    •  Regarding Iranian support for Syria, “An attack against Syria would be considered an attack against Iran and its allies.”
    • Asked whether he had been appointed to lead direct talks with the US through Jordan or another country, he said, “I have not conducted any negotiations with the US, not in Amman, not outside of Amman…. Until I have [other] information, this type of fundamental, foundational, principle foreign policy matter is under the authority of the Supreme Leader, and up to this point [he] has not given anyone permission [to talk to the US]. Accordingly, negotiations with a legal basis and with the permission of the leadership have not taken place.”
    • Asked whether perhaps a different meaning had been applied to “negotiations” he said, “I don’t know anything about this topic. It is possible that an individual that only has an Iranian ID card talked with an American and made a big deal out of this with foreign media, that the US and Iran are currently negotiating. This topic has nothing to do with the government [hokumat]. On this topic I have no information, on what person has or has not had negotiations with the US…. I say, as the advisor to the Supreme Leader, that if the US is claiming talks with Iran this type of thing does not exist, and if there has been [talks] they were not connected to the regime [nezam].”  
  • Energy Minister Majid Namjou arrived in Kabul with an Iranian delegation for talks with Afghan officials to discuss expanding cooperation in the water and energy sectors.

Photo of the Day

  • Armed Forces General Staff Intelligence & Operations Deputy MG Mohammad Bagheri and Senior Military Advisor and Assistant to the Supreme Leader MG Yahya Rahim Safavi attend the National Congress commemorationg martyr MG Majid Baghaei.