A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English


  • Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff MG Hassan Firouzabadi commented on an upcoming sedition, criticized officials who seek to soften Iran's stance in the face of sanctions, and accused Persian-language media outlets outside of the country of creating the opportunity for an American attack against Iran:
    • "We cannot think that that only the Americans and Zionists are [conspiring] against us while many of our enemies are inside our houses, inside the country."
    • "The [2009] sedition occurred with [the support of] American money under the pretext of defending people and freedom, but it is possible that the [2013] sedition may not occur like this."
    • "Radio Farda, BBC [Persian], Voice of America, and satellite [stations] spend money in order to eliminate our awareness and dignity."
    • "They seek to create chaos in the heart of the Iranian nation and create an opportunity for Americans who have been waiting behind our borders for 34 years and have always retreated with broken backs." 


  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said the three disputed islands in Persian Gulf "...have and will always belong to Iran." Reacting to recent news that the EU central bank seeks to impose additional trade sanctions on the country, he added that European positive and negative actions toward Iran will be assessed. 

Military and Security

  • Clerical Affairs Deputy for the Supreme Leader's Representation to the IRGC Hojjat al-Eslam Safar Ali Moradi said "clerical IRGC are continuously present as front line soldiers in the soft war with the enemies of the Islamic Revolution." 
  • Defense Minister MG Ahmad Vahidi, in a meeting with Iraq's Interior Minister, said "creating and maintaining stability in Iraq is in the interest of all regional countries."

Regional Developments

  • Lebanese MP and member of the Hezbollah-linked Loyalty to the Resistance faction said that the goal of the Takfiris in Lebanon is to "...turn Lebanon into another scene of religious and tribal conflict and deepen political divisions between parties and groups so that the country will become weak and turn into another Israeli parade scene." Speaking elsewhere, Vice Chairman of Hezbollah's Executive Council, Sheikh Nabil Qaouk, said that "Hezbollah will not answer the wave of attacks and accusations against itself in order to affirm its [position] of keeping the country away from the trap of sedition and not allowing American wishes to come true in Lebanon." He added that Hezbollah supports parliamentary elections next year but considers Article 60, which requires state approval of religious sects seeking to establish their own laws, to be voided. 
  • Fars News reports Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has said "Chavez's death is a great damage to the Syrian nation." 


  • Iran's Ministry of Oil announced construction of the Iran-Pakistan "peace" pipeline will begin next week in the presence of of both countries' presidents. 

Photo of the Day

  • Representative of the Supreme Leader to the IRGC Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Saidi and Guardian Council Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati attend an unveiling ceremony for the Iranian-funded reconstruction of Imam Hossein shrine in Karbala, Iraq.