A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English


  • In response to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's letter to the Science Minister that urged the Minister to change the deans of some universities, Head of the Parliament's Teaching and Research Commission MP Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi said that, "while we are nearing presidential elections and [given] the Supreme Leader's affirmation of [creating] a calm interior environment and avoiding tumult, it is not in [the country's] interest to change university deans."
  • The Islamic Association of Independent Students condemned President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's aforementioned letter in a press statement:
    • "Such a decision is more than anything a dramatic election attempt and an abuse of the quiet university environment."

Regional Developments

  • According to Fars News, Bashar Assad said "we have a long war with terrorists ahead of us...we will fight the terrorists until the end of the road...and we will not accept imposing conditions," but added that "the paths of negotiation are open."

Military and Security

  • Defense Minister MG Ahmad Vahidi announced the deployment of new submarines and naval drones in 2013.
  • According to Sepah News, IRGC Khatam al-Anbia Development Base engineers and domestic companies have been successful through reverse engineering in producing Corrugated Optic Duct [C.O.D] pipes that are applicable for fiber optics communications.
  • Senior Military Advisor and Assistant to the Supreme Leader MG Yahya Rahim Safavi said, "today's war is an ideological war and in today's world a system will endure that is [based] on righteousness."

Nuclear Issues

  • Representative of the Supreme Leader in the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Hojjat al-Eslam Hassan Rohani said, "if religious motivation, national values, solidarity, and unity is strengthened in the country, we can withstand global pressure easier and defend the nation's rights":
    • "We will succeed in negotiations on the day the enemies feel that our national strength has increased."
    • "A good government is not only for the people's [material] well being but is also effective for their afterlife."


  • Head of the Central Bank Mahmoud Bahmani announced that "decreasing rate inflation and controlling currency fluctuations are two important Central Bank concerns for [2013]."

Photo of the Day

  • Fars News employees attend a ceremonial cleaning of a shrine for Shia saint Abdol Aziz Hasani.