A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English


  • Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's annual speech on first day of the Persian new year criticizes the United States and threatens Israel:
    • "Some only see vulnerabilities, this is a flawed perspective. The Iranian nation will emerge victorious in the [face of] challenges despite the enemies' hostility."
    • "The enemy has two main plans: The first is creating obstacles in the path of Iranian progress by deviating the awareness of the people, officials, and intellectuals and the second is a propaganda effort to deny [Iran's] progresses."
    • "The Zionist regime does not have the shape or size to be noticeable among the enemies of Iran. If they make any mistake the Islamic Republic will obliterate Tel Aviv and Haifa."
    • "The main nest of conspiracy against Iran is the United States."
    • "The Americans are messaging that they do not seek regime change. We are not concerned [if] you intend on regime change or not. The day you intended change you will not be able to do anything, and after this you will not be able to do anything either."
  • Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Deputy Commander BG Ahmad Reza Radan affirmed the LEF's role in the Supreme Leader's "year of economic and political valor" is to provide security during the presidential elections. Radan also announced that the LEF's agenda this year is "combating social immorality and economic crimes."


  • In reaction to the death of an Iranian citizen by a Saudi diplomatic official in a drunk-related car accident, Foreign Minister Deputy Amir Abdollahian said "we will not allow diplomatic immunity to be abused."

Regional Developments

  • Fars News reports that 12 members of the Syrian opposition coalition have resigned in protest to Ghassan Hitto's election as interim prime minister of the Syrian opposition.

Military and Security

  • Head of Holy Defense Science and Education Research Center BG Hadi Morad Piri announced the introduction of various bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs dedicated to studying the Iran-Iraq War in various educational institutions, beginning first in the IRGC's Imam Hossein University.

Photo of the Day

  • Law Enforcement Deputy Ahmad Reza Radan inspects Tehran police in the annual new year exercise.