A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English


  • President Hassan Rouhani attended the inauguration ceremony of the new Interior Minister and discussed bi-partisanship and civil rights promotion:
    • “Many spoke with me after the elections and said not to establish a bi-partisan cabinet and only use one party. But I do not believe in this act, because party and currents do not exist in our country and this is a tribal discussion that is introduced; they bring the curtain up after the elections and bring it down afterwards.”
    • “In the administration of moderation and hope, and especially in the Interior Ministry, there must not be a difference between various ethnicities and religions and even official religions that are considered minorities; Turk, Turkman, Lor, Balouch and Arab are all equal. We do not have a Persian, Turk and Arab government, rather have an Iranian government. We have a unified system called the Islamic Republic and are under the umbrella of the Islamic Republic of Iran government and one [Supreme Leader] and velayat-e fahigh and law.”
    • “If we want domestic security, and the country’s Security Council is responsible for it, we must give equal opportunity to women and must increase women’s social opportunities. I emphasized in the first [cabinet] meeting that I will utilize women and youth more.”
    • “Domestic security is one of the important duties of the Interior Ministry. Although Iran is a stable land, there are many conspiracies. Many discussions took place but they did not reach the conclusion that someone with security experience is stronger to appoint for this ministry, rather I wanted someone with social, economic and cultural experience to take this opportunity so it will have a message.”
    • I do not like extremism and opposed it since the beginning of the revolution... [everyone] knows that I consider extremism harmful. I consider extremism harmful for the Islamic ummah. If you pay attention to some who shout loudly you will notice where this shouting stems from. This shouting is a cover for concealing certain things.” 
  • Second Parliamentary Vice-Chairman MP Said Shams expressed hope that relations between Parliament and the executive will improve.
  • Principlist MP Elias Naderan criticized the appointment of Jafar Tofighi to Cultural Heritage and Tourism Agency and said, “Appointing Najafi to the Tourism Agency by the President two days after the vote of non-confidence to him is a measure against the ethics of cooperation and inattention to rational frameworks of relations between the administration and Parliament.”
  • Head of the Followers of the Velayat Principlist faction MP Kazem Jalali announced that casting votes of non-confidence to three of Rouhani’s appointments were not “organized” and that “sedition” is still criterion for the Parliament
  • Communications and Information Technology Minister Mahmoud Vaezi stated that reviewing workgroups established to address communication speeds is his top priority and added, “In the short term, internet and bandwidth problems will also be alleviated.” He added, “We will make the people’s participation in this ministry as the basis of [our work].”
  • The President’s First VP Eshagh Jahangiri stated, “We must complete and strengthen communication and information technology infrastructures to manage the country.” 
  • Interior Minister Abdol Reza Rahmani Fazli expressed hope regarding “stable and total security, political and economic expansion and also greater comfort for all people.”

Regional Development


Military and Security

  • Armed Forces General Staff Deputy for Basij Affairs and Defense Culture BG Massoud Jazayeri:
    • "Neither negotiations nor any other excuse for talks are able to impact the [fundamental] policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran...." 
    • "It is surprising that some American politicians still speak of military pressure against Iran and naïvely believe that these types of threats can have an actual effect on Iranian politicians. America’s strategic error is that it does not have a correct understanding of ending a carrot and stick policy…."
    • "Militarily, a reverse condition now governs the region, such that the US and the Zionists are within range of Iran’s [operations]…. America cannot get close to Iran with childish political and economic games, nor through animated military scenario games, rather [it can get close] by apologizing to the great Iranian nation and setting aside brutish and wolfish ways.”
  • Minister of Intelligence Hojjat al-Eslam Mahmoud Alavi discussed his priorities and stated, “I believe that the main duty of the Intelligence Minister is securing these two factors: the people’s peace and creating comfort in the country. God Willing, this ministry's axis of work in the Eleventh administration will be based upon this principle.” 
  • IRGC Navy Deputy Commander  Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri stated, “[IRGC] Navy Forces maintain stability and security in the Persian Gulf and Homruz Strait with strength and honor...and we have not and will not give permission to the enemy to show themselves.”
  • Outgoing Defense Minister BG Ahmad Vahidi discussed the ministry’s performance in the past four years and expressed hope for Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan’s success: 
    • Securing Iran’s role in space technology and the new Imam Khomeini Space Base, which will be operational soon 
    • Placing Iran’s missile capability sixth in the world and number one in the region with domestic advancement and production 
    • Iran’s entrance to the group of submarine manufacturers 
    • Clearing the country’s minefields in final stages 
    • Expanding defense relations with Asian, African and Latin American countries 
    • Cooperation of more than 2000 industrial and research companies with the Defense Ministry 
    • Creating 2500 active projects in the Defense Ministry 
    • Promotion the place of the Defense Ministry in the Supreme National Security Council, Expediency Council and other scientific and strategic centers 
  • In a letter to the Supreme Leader, Western Azerbaijan Province Friday Prayer Leaders thanked the IRGC and Khatam ol-Anbia Construction Base for their efforts in “establishing the security of Western borders and [paying] special attention to resolving tribal and religious matters…, development and attention to impoverished areas of the Western Azerbaijan province."
  • Head of the Passive Defense Organization and Economic Defense Headquarters Commander BG Gholam Reza Jalali discussed sanctionsand stated, “We must resolve sanctions with production, not with diplomatic begging. We can talk in the political arena when we are in the position of power not in a position of weakness.”

Nuclear Issue


  • The Central Bank announced that the June-July inflation rate was 37.5% and the point-to-point inflation is 44%. In a separate report, it also announced that rice and meat prices have increased 69% and 42%, respectively, in comparison with a year ago.
  • Industry, Mining and Trade Minister Mohammad Reza Nemat Zadeh stated, “The country’s currency rate is 2,500 Tomans per dollar, but the rate of [importing] primary goods will be 1,226 Tomans, [and] the government will take steps toward securing the difference.”
  • IRGC Khatam al-Anbia Construction Base, which previously bought 51% ownership of naval contractor Sadra Company, is in final negotiations to transfer 62% of the company’s ownership to a private sector contractor, and the new Managing Director is reportedly Farzad Anari. 
  • Labor, Cooperation and Social Welfare Minister Employment Deputy Ali Akbar Labafi announced that the lack of liquidity is the main problem for production centers and believes that its resolution requires the cooperation of government banks. He added that most inherited projects from the Ahmadinejad administration are inherited with 40-70% completion rates.

Photo of the Day

  • President Hassan Rouhani attends the inauguration of Interior Minister Abdol Reza Rahmani Fazli alongside former Interior Minister Mohammad Najjar.