A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Will Fulton and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors John Lesnewich and Mehrdad Moarefian. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

Excerpts of these translations may only be used with the expressed consent of the authors.


  • President Rouhani met with a family who had lost three members to the Iran-Iraq War to honor their sacrifice, and said “Iran and the sacred Islamic Republic belong to the [12th Imam] and we hope that the service of the youth was for him. However, no person and no words are able to express the appreciation for martyrs’ families, though God has allocated a reward for you.” 
  • Guardian Council and Assembly of Experts members Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami told new Tehran seminary clerics: “Your ultimate goal should not be to become a member of the Guardian Council of experts, for if this is the reason you have chosen a clerical path, than you have already lost. The summit of your goals should be one in which you lead a pious and righteous path of leadership.”
  • Senior cleric Grand Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani met with the head of the IRGC’s Cooperative Foundation, Parviz Fattah, in Qom, during which he discussed the IRGC’s role in the Islamic Republic: “The Revolutionary Guards have been trained in the ideals and principles of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader [Khamenei], and are considered the strong arms of the system and Islamic Revolution.”


  • Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani spoke with the Archbishop of Croatia about his greatest worries for Syria and Iran’s respect for Christians:
    • “We have spread democracy in Syria, and we welcome it, but terrorism and weapons of mass destruction cannot create democracy. We have stated this to regional countries many times.”
    • “According to the Qur’an, all divine religions desire one thing, which is monotheism and the people’s salvation. We welcome conversation with all religions, and that is why conversations between Muslim Iran and Christians is important to us.”

Military and Security

  • Kermanshah IRGC public relations reported that “Tens of homosexuals and Satanist worshipers” were arrested by IRGC security forcesin the province. The group reportedly consisted of members from different regional countries, including Iraq. The report added that foreign supporters dispatch homosexual and Satanist groups to Iran to spread such behavior. 
  • The Supreme Leader’s Representative to the IRGC Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Saidi discussed change of tactic with the United states at the fifth Memorial Congress for Martyrs, Spiritual Veterans, and Students:
    • “One of the questions that is posed today is the reasons for the differences in the political paths of divine leaders over time. We also see differences in the paths and behavior of the prophets, and we also witness differences in the conduct of the Prophet [Mohammad].”
    • “[Ali] had three different types of behavior over the three different periods of the Prophet, the Caliphs, and his rule. Today there are also differences in the political path of the Supreme Leader and the [Imam].”
    • “In order to explain these differences, we must discuss that, for us and the divine leaders, there are always two sets of issues, one group is fixed matters, and the other changing.”
    •  “The first fixed matter that is identical in the view of all divine leaders has been God-centrism and looking to God. The second principle is the principle of jihad and combat with the enemy, denying and standing against any undertakings which are against the core of Islam.”
    • “Among the matters that change in the view of the divine leaders, one can point to their ways of carrying out the mission, ruling, addressing abnormalities, spreading [Islam], and combating and jihad.”
    • “The principle of jihad is fixed, but the way it is done has changed and is determined by the Supreme Leader depending on the time and place. In order to preserve the principles, the Supreme Leader must change his tactics.”
    • “Today, some cite the speech of [Imam Khomeini] and say that the Imam agrees with eliminating the ‘death to America’ chant. However, our question to these individuals is whether eliminating the ‘death to America’ chant is part of the fixed or changing principles.”
    • “Eliminating the ‘death to America’ chant is part of the changing principles. The change of tactics and methods can only take shape at the hands of the Supreme Leader of the time.”
    • “Our influence in the world today is great. Since 2001 six wars have occurred in the Middle East so that Americans could change the region. Iran stood against all of them, and made America fail in all six.”
    • “Today, two ways to solve the problems of the country are presented, one looking inside the country, and the other looking outside the country. Solving the country’s problems is [an internal issue], and today we see a number of people saying that we must resolve the country’s problems with diplomacy.”
    • “Secondly, there is the view of people who believe that the country’s problems must be resolved externally. The belief of these people is that our influence has today caused the enemy to state that it is willing to negotiate and establish relations with Iran because negotiations with Iran are now considered a necessity for the enemy. Our influence is due to Resistance and, therefore, we must not show the smallest weakness to the enemy.”
    • “The second reason for this view is that for the last 200 years America has moved with a colonialist nature and dominant behavior in the world, and as a result, we must act in the same way against them.”
    • “The Supreme Leader only negotiates with America within the nuclear issue with the tactic of heroic flexibility. Heroic flexibility means flexibility while relying on power and honor.”
  • Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam urged LEF adherence to the legal process: 

Nuclear Issue

  • NSFP Commission Chairman MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi spoke about some officials’ new proposals for the upcoming negotiations in Geneva:
    • “Because of my trip to Kerman in order to reopen the western borders of the country, I am not aware of any proposals in this field. I have no proposals because the government must first present its program, and then I can review it.”
    • On his predictions for negotiations over the next six months: “We must see the government’s proposals and programs in this field, and then we can look forward.” 
  • NSFP Spokesman Seyyed Hossein Naghavi Hosseini reflected on negotiations with the United States:
    • “The strength of establishing diplomatic relationships lies within the American Congress.”
    • Hosseini talked about the recent efforts of America to pursue a diplomatic course with Iran, “America’s willingness to bow as opposed to Iran is a reflection of Congress’ willingness and desire to obtain a diplomatic resolution with Iran. The Iranian people have displayed resilience in their 35 years of resistance to the aggression, intimidation and interference of America.”
    • When asked about the P5+1 meeting: “Negotiations must come from a standpoint that is supported by the great leader of the Islamic Republic and its great people. The negotiations should be approached heroically.... This session is within the rights of the president and foreign minister, however, the rights and the interests of our nation must be guarded.”
    • Regarding the right to pursue nuclear energy: “No one nation has the right or the permission to dictate another nation’s rights… Thus, the conditions of the West should display confidence with practical measures to resolve disputes through negotiations.”
    • America must temper its aggression and acts if it wants to negotiate; phone calls and words alone will not solve the issues.”


  • Chief of Staff to the President Mohammad Nahavandian gave a television address about the government’s most important economic steps and accomplishments, criticized the implementation of the targeted subsidies law, and emphasized the need for budget reform with cooperation from Parliament:
    • “It has been decided that basic goods will be released from customs, and medicine is among these goods… In reality the government is looking to de-bureaucratize.”
    • “Opponents of lifting sanctions are in reality sanctions brokers. They are people who profit from these conditions, and they have made lifting sanctions difficult. However with the power of progress we can secure our national interests.”
    • “The government knows that its duty is to implement the budget that Parliament approves, but the budget this year is unrealistic. More than a seventh of its revenues will not be achieved. Currently, the government is confronting a great deal of liability, and that is why it wants to reform the budget. Presently, we do not have sufficient resources from fuel carriers to issue subsidies to families, whether in production or health sector.”
    • Money supply growth that was the reason for inflation has reached half and currently supply must increase so inflation stagnation is controlled.”
    • “The first achievement of the trip to New York was that the sanctions were broken and we witnessed that the content of meetings with the Iranian delegation was expression of interest for economic cooperation with Iran and confessing to the irrationality of sanctions.”

Photo of the Day