A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by the AEI Critical Threats Project's Iran research team. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online. 

(E) = Article in English

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  • Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Malayer Unit Commander Col. Mohammad Eskandari said “IRGC commanders have prepared and equipped 42 divisions and 138 battalions in [Syria], and are fully prepared to fight the enemy…The most important work of the Iranian people in supporting the Syrian people, who were [our] primary supporters during the Eight Years of Sacred Defense [Iran-Iraq war], is gathering and transferring financial, food, and health aid to this country.” Eskandari announced:
    • “Today’s war in Syria is really our war with America.”
    • The formation of a headquarters office in Malayer to support Syria “with centrality around the Hamedani governorship” that will accept and transfer aid to Syria.
    • IRGC Ansar al-Hossein Brigade (Hamedan Province) Deputy Commander Mazaher Majdi announced “Iran’s front line is in Syria and Lebanon, and this is a religious duty for us. We must support the Syrian people, because Syria was the first country that helped us during the war. If we do not defend them today, the enemy’s trench will be by our border…There are 42 divisions and 130,000 [pro Assad regime]Sunnis defending their country today and they need our support.”


  • Head of the Supreme Leader’s Inspectorate Office Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Akbar Nategh Nouri emphasized the necessity of “total and rational support” of the nuclear negotiations team. He added:
    • “With the existence of the Supreme Leader, there is nothing to worry or be anxious about.”  
    • “Today Obama and America seeks to negotiate with Iran, therefore we should not weaken our situation or sell out cheaply…We must act in ways that enhance the dignity of the people and the country and weaken the enemy.” 


  • IRGC Ground Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Mohammad Pakpour announced “On the eastern border of the country where the IRGC are assigned security, all plans revolve around transferring the responsibility of security to the local people.” He added “We witness good security in [Sistan va Baluchestan] by organizing natives of the region. IRGC Ground Forces have acquired parts of these borders.”


  • Legal and International Deputy to the Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi addressed the press following the third day of negotiations with the P5+1. He noted that the parties were unable to draft a final agreement and said “…Discussions are moving forward, but very slowly [because] there are a wide range of views.”
    • Atomic Energy Agency of Iran spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi reiterated Iran’s commitment to its agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency and said “Iran has nothing to hide. Within the framework of the agreements we are ready to answer any questions or ambiguities. With the consent for visits by inspectors, we want to discuss more with the Secretary General of the [IAEA] at next month’s meeting.”


  • Law Enforcement Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam met with the Algerian Interior Minister Tayeb Baleiz in Algiers and the two announced increased bilateral cooperation in confronting international organized crime organizations.


  • Legal Deputy to the Information and Technology Minister Morteza Barari announced “Mobile penetration in Iran is at 81% and internet [penetration] is at 54%.” He announced free high-speed internet communication for government agencies and added that a data center will be inaugurated in Qazvin province by the end of the Iranian calendar year [March 2015]. 
  • Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh, addressing the 14th International Energy Forum in Moscow, criticized sanctions “for reducing many sources of energy and forcing consumers to be dependent on one or two major producers.”


  • Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, a spokesman for President Hassan Rouhani announced the administration’s intention to allocate $16.1 billion towards civil projects; invest more than $35.3 billion towards development projects, with the cooperation of state-owned companies; and allocate more than $35 billion towards projects that are more than halfway completed.