A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

 (E) = Article in English

Official Statements

  • Tehran Interim Friday Prayer Leader and Expediency Discernment Council (EDC) member Ayatollah Ali Movahedi Kermani spoke concerning the recent acid attacks against women and how the US seeks to destroy Syria:
    • “This event [the acid attacks] was very tragic, cruel, inhumane, and affected everyone. We condemn this obscene act, and we will identify those who are responsible and condemn them to very harsh sentences.”
    • “It is clear what the goals are of America and the Coalition against ISIL. Their goal is to destroy the military and industrial resources of Syria, should America and Western forces attack ISIL areas this should be condemned because their goal is to preserve themselves and America.” (Fars News Agency)
  • Basij Organization Commander Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naghdi met with the family of late Friday prayer leader in the city of Sanandaj Mamousta Mojtahedi and spoke of his role in establishing peace among the Kurdish people:
    • “Mamousta Mojtahedi played a key role in establishing peace and stability in Kurdistan and enlightening the people.”
    • “He supported and put forth much effort to follow the Supreme Leader in brings enlightenment and educating all parts of the Islamic Republic.” (Fars News Agency)
  • Reports of unknown assailants carrying out numerous acid attacks against young women in the city of Isfahan earlier in the week led President Hassan Rouhani to direct an investigation into finding the individuals responsible. People have taken to the streets in Isfahan and Tehran to protest acid attacks on women.
    • According to Tasnim News, President Rouhani ordered Ministries of the Intelligence, Interior, and Justice to identify the perpetrators of these attacks.
    • Rouhani expresses his sympathy for the victims of these “unhuman” attacks and the “brave” people of Isfahan. (Tasnim News Agency)

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Sistan va Baluchistan Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) commander Brig. Gen. Roham-Bakhsh Habibi denied reports of border clashes between Iranian and Pakistani forces and said:
    • “According to investigations carried out by the Revolutionary Guards, no conflict has occurred with Pakistan on the border.” (IRNA)
    • According to Western media outlets Pakistani and Iranian forces have exchanged mortar fire along the Baluchistan border. (BBC Asia)
  • Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines Company Managing Director Mohammad Hossein Dajmar stated that due to problems regarding regular shipping lines to Europe, weekly cargo shipping lines have been transferred to far-East countries like China, India, Singapore, and Malaysia.
    • “In the past, South American shipping lines had not been established, but the bulk freight lines do exist for Brazil and Argentina” and “as a result of investments made in Venezuela, regular shipping lines have been requested, but at the moment in the absence of regular orders these containers remain empty.”
    • Dajmar emphasized that in a recent visit by the Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, the discussion of automobile factories was brought up again. (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Arab and African Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian discussed collaboration with regional countries in the fight against ISIL:
    • On the formation of recently elected Iraqi Prime Minister Heidar al-Abadi’s cabinet: “He [al-Abadi] is perfectly in accord with the building of unity in the national cabinet….Mr. Al Abadi has a positive outlook for Iraq’s cooperation with Islamic and Arabic countries in the region.”
    • “Any bilateral and regional cooperation with Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other regional Muslim countries in the effective and real struggle against terrorism and extremism are welcome.”
    • “Iran strongly supports Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and other regional countries in the fight against extremism and terrorism against Sunnis, Shi’as, and Christians.” (Fars News Agency)
  • Minister of Islamic Culture and Guidance Ali Jannati met with his Kuwaiti counterparts and discussed Kuwait-Iran relations and the US-led international coalition against ISIL:
    • “Good efforts to expand media and cultural ties between the two countries have taken place in recent months.”
    • “The international coalition will never be able to inhibit or suppress groups like ISIL.”
    • On Saudi Arabia’s sentencing prominent Shi’a dissident Sheikh Nemr Bagher al Nemr to death and the Iranian attempt to block the execution: “We have no involvement in this issue, but we condemn this act.”
    • Visits are scheduled for Kuwait’s Minister of Health and Deputy Foreign Minister to visit Iran, and in the near future the Minister of Economy and the Chairman of the Central Bank of Iran to visit Kuwait in efforts to improve bilateral relations. (IRNA)
  • IRGC Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani was photographed alongside the Imam Ali Brigades Commander Shabl al-Zeidi. (ABNA)  


  • Martyr Bahonar Port Operations Deputy Ghassem Asgari reported that the port has received an increase of 78% in shipping traffic since last year. (IRNA