A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.     
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Official Statements

  • Senior cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani met with the Head of the Passive Defense Organization Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brig. Gen. Gholam Reza Jalali and said “[IRGC Quds Force Commander] Maj. Gen. [Qassem] Soleimani is active in Syria and Iraq with his thought. There are plenty of armed individuals, but this commander’s thought is more effective.” (Defa Press)

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • President Hassan Rouhani congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the occasion of Republic Day in Turkey and said:
    • “I am confident that through joint efforts by the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey, friendly relations between the two countries will further expand at bilateral and international levels and in line with the mutual interests of both nations."
    • “This will lay the groundwork for the establishment of lasting peace and security in the region and in the world.” (IRNA)
  • Iraqi Ambassador to the US Lukman Faily discussed recent developments in Iraq and said:
    • “Until now, there has been a half million displaced citizens in the country, this is very painful for us.”
    • “We have used all of our forces to defend our country, but we cannot fight this war alone.”
    • “Iran is a smart regional and actor and America understands this… General Soleimani’s presence in Iraq is natural.”
    • “Baghdad has repeatedly said Iranian experts are in the country.” (ABNA)
  • Arab and African Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met with United Nations (UN) Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson in Tehran to discuss regional security. Abdollahian blamed the Syrian crisis on the US for supporting rebel forces and said:
    • “America is making a strategic mistake by arming anti-Syria takfiri groups. America should reconsider this policy.”
    • “We disagree that a few countries on behalf of the Syrian people will decide [what’s best for them] and we will not allow terrorists determine the fate of Syria.”
    • On Iran-Saudi Arabia talks: “We will pursue serious dialogue with Saudi Arabia.” (Alef)
  • Head of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Kemal Kharrazi held a joint press conference with UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson on Middle East security topics: 
    • Kharrazi: “during this bilateral dialogue, the issue of mistakes of powers which have caused instability in the region and ways out of it were raised, with the Iranian approach.”
    • Eliasson: “…we emphasized that… a political solution rather than a military one should be considered to resolve the current problems… To be sure, with the situations in Iraq and Syria, a political solution is more effective that a military solution, but of course a military solution is inevitable.”
    • Eliasson: “Iran plays a key, important, and fruitful role for the security of the region.” (IRNA)
  • Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar Hakim inspected Iraqi Army and militia forces following the liberation of “Jurf al-Nasr” (Jurf al-Sakhr), praising the unity of the Iraqi people and calling the operation a precursor to greater military victories. Hakim said that it is possible to regain Mosul from the grips of ISIL within the next few days. 
    • The Babel Governorship Council changed the city’s name from Jurf al-Sakhr to Jurf al-Nasr following Iraq’s victory against ISIL. (Sobh-e Sadegh
  • President Rouhani approved Reza Ameri as the Iranian Ambassador to Algeria. Ameri was previously Director General of the Foreign Ministry Middle East and North Africa and his resume includes ambassadorships to Sudan and Eritrea. (Alef)

Domestic Politics

  • President Rouhani reacted to parliament’s vote of no confidence for his nominee for Minster of Science, Research, and Technology (SRT), Mahmoud Nili Ahmad Abadi, but expressed hope that parliament will accept his next nomination, and discussed his expectation for job growth this year:
    • “We hope that the next man we introduce will receive a vote of confidence from parliament.”
    • “Dr. Nili took part in the Sacred Defense War and also has the proper management and scientific skills. We hope he is successful in other fields and responsibilities and also continues in his activities as a director and professor of higher education and we hope we are able to use him.”
    • “Our country is moving towards industrialization and industrial projects that will be launched by the end of the year and will be very effective in creating production and employment.”
    • “With the plans for industrialization that will be implemented by the end of the year, 97 thousand jobs will be created, which is a very significant figure, and we hope that the trend will continue.” (Mehr News)
  • Parliamentary Executive Board Torqabeh Representative MP Mohammad Dehghani responded to President Rouhani’s comments and defended parliament’s vote of no confidence to Rouhani’s nomination for SRT Minister:
    • “The Constitution of the Islamic Republic is designed so that the President and parliament collaborate together in choosing ministers, this does not mean that the government should choose a minister and parliament should be subservient to the will of the government, this is contrary to the constitution.”
    • “The parliament will vote for a moderate person with a strong management and scholarly background, and of course not for a person with a history in the sedition of 1999 and 2009, and if these issues can be found in a person’s background of course the parliament will reject them, parliament is immovable on this issue.” (Fars News Agency)
  • Member of the Combatant Clergy Association Ahmad Salek spoke about the criteria needed for the SRT Minister and why SRT Minister nominee Mahmoud Nili Ahmad Abadi was not chosen:
    • “The first point is that the SRT Minister must be a leader of the Revolution and have comprehension of science while at the same time being independent from partisan issues.”
    • “The red line of parliament has two main points; one issue is whether any form of sedition, including approval and support, took place in 1999 and 2009, and the next issue is adherence to the Islamic Jurists.” (Fars News Agency)

Military and Security

  • Armed Forces General Staff (AFGS) Chief Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi attended a meeting of Ministry of Intelligence Services (MOIS) directors and emphasized military-intelligence cooperation:
    • “If intelligence services act independently, they will be deprived of many benefits. The country’s intelligence forces must use each other’s capital and capabilities.”
    • “Cooperation and interaction must be our basis. The cooperation and interaction of the defense and intelligence institutions have continuously protected the country against surprise and security crises and has reduced its vulnerability.” (Defa Press)
  • AFGS Chief Maj. Gen. Firouzabadi, Expediency Discernment Council Secretary Mohsen Rezaei, and Head of the Passive Defense Organization IRGC Brig. Gen. Gholam Reza Jalali unveiled the passive defense national strategic document on October 28 but did not release details on its provisions. (Mashregh News)

Nuclear Talks

  • Head of the Expediency Discernment Council Strategic Research Center and Foreign Policy Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati addressed comments that a nuclear agreement had been finalized and Iran’s red lines had not been considered:
    • “Mr. Zarif and the nuclear team will not cross the red lines; they are subject to the red lines drawn by the Supreme Leader… this [comment concerning Iran’s red lines] is not at all the case.” (Tasnim News Agency)


  • Planning Deputy to the Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade Hossein Abouyi Mehrizi announced that the ministry has presented to the Presidential Planning and Strategic Supervision Directorate its proposed plan to execute the Supreme Leader’s Economy of Resistance policies. (Tasnim News Agency)