A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Marie Donovan, and Dianna Timmerman. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.    

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Official Statements

  • Interim Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami discussed the indigenous source of Iran’s legitimacy and its involvement in the nuclear negotiations:
    • “The nation of Iran has its legitimacy from resistance against the P5+1 in the eight years of the Sacred Defense [Iran-Iraq War], and does not need your [the West’s] legitimacy.”
    • In response to a recent comment by President Obama that the sanctions on Iran had led to the negotiations, Khatami stated: “This analysis is wrong, because we are Husayn [third Shi’a Imam, member of the Ahl al-Bayt, the household of the Prophet] and Ashura and our way is resistance; and if you want to be correct, understand the ultimatum we gave at the negotiating table.” (Fars News Agency)
  • Minister of Islamic Culture and Guidance Ali Jannati spoke in an interview about the reality of the cultural war with the West:
    • “I raised this issue before parliament during the vote of confidence; the cultural invasion is not an illusion, but a reality.”
    • “The Supreme Leader also emphasized this more than two decades ago, this is part of our beliefs and it is imperative that we act on this and seek to deal with it. Many books have been published that have fallen within this framework [of a cultural invasion], thus they were not given permission.” (Tasnim News Agency)

Military and Security

  • Basij Organization Deputy Commander Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Brig. Gen. Ali Fazli announced that global Basij and resistance against the West has been operationalized:
    • “This interaction [with other countries] has started in the shadow of empathy, unity, fraternity, and if Islamic Resistance takes place in any of these countries it is a testimony to the footprint of the Revolutionary Guards.”
    • “ISIL and the takfiri oppressors are equipped with protection by the arrogant powers [West], observations and data will show this. They [West] support these terrorist groups with intelligence and material resources.”
    • When asked if the armed forces and Basij are prepared to meet the enemy’s threats, Fazli said “The large family of Iran’s Armed Forces are responsible for each task they are assigned and are permanently alert observing the three important elements ground, air, and sea.”
    • “Today the Islamic Republic of Iran is in a very good secure condition and the borders are secured.”
    • “Today, thanks to God, the power and strength of the armed forces and public awareness and support, the boundaries of land, water and air are of the utmost safety and comfort.”
    • In response to a reporter’s question about cyber security and cyber threats from the West, Fazli said “Cyber space is evolving and is sophisticated, so [we] must have deep familiarity with it, because without having [comprehensive] intelligence on this important issue it is not possible to deal with this threat.”
    • On the subject of the Basij Organization’s creation of a “good” cyberspace capability for itself: “To this end, a virtual space station was formed in the Basij Organization, and the Basij can take great strides in the areas of cyber operations, media and the virtual arena; however, this is not enough, and to achieve optimal and desired conditions, we must not be satisfied with this extent.” (ISNA)


  • Economy and Finance Minister Ali Tayeb Nia spoke about anticipated economic growth in all sectors:
    • “Part of this change [anticipated growth of 4.6% this year] is due to increased oil production and the production of large scale industrial enterprises and the spread of these and other economic enterprises will soon cause a boom.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Deputy Oil Minister in Petrochemical Affairs Abbas Sheri Moghaddam stated, “In appearance, sanctions have been lifted on the Iranian petrochemical industry, but this industry is still sanctioned on the account of the impossibility to transfer cash.” (Tabnak
  • Iranian state-run media outlet Mehr News estimates that depressed global oil prices will lead to a $2.5 billion deficit in government budget by the end of the Iranian calendar year in March. (Mehr News)

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanaei reportedly met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov and exchanged views about the upcoming P5+1 nuclear negotiations scheduled for November 18, in Vienna. (Fars News Agency)