A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analysts Mehrdad Moarefian and Marie Donovan, with contributors Farzin Farzad and Diana Timmerman. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

Key takeaway: IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari backed the framework agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program. President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed eight bilateral agreements in Tehran, while the Supreme Leader called for enhanced Iran-Turkey relations and collaboration in resolving Yemen and other regional crises.

IRGC Commander Major General Jafari expressed his support for the preliminary nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1. Jafari praised the regime’s negotiating team and said, “The Iranian people and the IRGC appreciate the country’s nuclear negotiators for making sincere political efforts while insisting on the Islamic Republic’s redlines.” Jafari also reinforced the Supreme Leader’s redlines, namely  “the acceptance of Iran’s right to possess a nuclear enrichment cycle, as well as research and development in this field, and the lifting of all nuclear-related sanctions.” The IRGC Commander is the latest in the growing number of senior Iranian officials to endorse the deal.

President Rouhani met with his Turkish counterpart Erdogan in Tehran on April 7. The two underscored Tehran and Ankara’s common interest in strengthening bilateral relations and inked eight agreements in various sectors, including energy, transportation, and commerce. Rouhani stated that the two countries seek to boost bilateral trade to $30 billion this year. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, meanwhile, called for Islamic unity and regional collaboration during his meeting with President Erdogan. Khamenei reiterated Tehran’s position regarding the ongoing Yemeni crisis:  “...the solution to the crisis in Yemen is stopping the attacks and foreign intervention against the people of this country, and it is the Yemenis who must make decisions for the future of their country.”


Official Statements

  • IRGC Commander Jafari: the Iranian nation stands behind the negotiating team. IRGC Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari praised the nuclear negotiating team, and thanked Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and President Hassan Rouhani for safeguarding Iranian national interests. Jafari stated:
    • “The mighty options of the U.S. to impose its political will on the Islamic Republic of Iran were ineffective against Iranian resistance.”
    • “America, which was seeking to change Iran's political behavior, was forced to change its political behavior towards our people; and contrary to its previous policy, it was forced to forget all its ‘all options are on the table’ and replace them with the diplomatic path to settle the nuclear issue."
    • “The Iranian people and the IRGC appreciate the country’s nuclear negotiators for making sincere a political effort while insisting on the Islamic Republic’s redlines.”
    • “Dishonesty, unreliability, and lack of confidence in America’s adherence to its commitments presents a difficult path for the future of this diplomatic war; but we are sure, just like the honorable President [Rouhani] and the honorable Foreign Minister [Zarif]…clearly stated, Iran’s redlines include the acceptance of Iran’s right to possess a nuclear enrichment cycle, as well as research and development in this field, and the lifting of all nuclear-related sanctions, as the central points of the Iranian people’s demands.”
    • “The great nation of Iran, based on the shining slogan ‘The Government and Nation; Harmony and Unanimity,’ will stand behind their nuclear [negotiators] and will not allow misleading inductions by the enemy, especially America, by way of an unrealistic translation of a joint statement…” (Sepah News)
  • Rouhani and Erdogan urge ceasefire in Yemen. President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a meeting this morning to discuss bilateral relations and regional issues. Rouhani stated that they reached “important agreements and understanding in the areas of bilateral relations, energy, shipping, private sector investment, and preferential trade…” The two then attended a second meeting of the Iran-Turkey High Cooperation Council along with ministers. Rouhani said Tehran and Ankara trade will reach $30 billion this year. Regarding the conflict in Yemen, Rouhani stated: “we have points in common in this field; we both believe that we should see an end to the war and bloodshed in Yemen as soon as possible,” and that a ceasefire should be implemented.
    • Iran and Turkey sign eight agreements and issue joint statement. President Rouhani and President Erdogan emphasized the need to expand diplomatic and economic relations between the two countries and said the signing of the documents was an important step in expanding Tehran-Ankara cooperation. (Fars News Agency) (President.ir)


  • Supreme Leader meets with Turkish President Erdogan. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei discussed regional developments with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Tehran. The Supreme Leader called for constructive dialogue and cooperation to resolve regional conflicts and said:
    • “The power of each Muslim country in the Islamic world, in fact is the power of the Islamicummah [community]. The overall policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is that Islamic countries should reinforce each other…and the strengthening of Iran-Turkey relations also helps fulfill this purpose.”
    • “We have always stressed that the Islamic countries will not gain any interests trusting America and the West.”
    • “If anyone ignores the enemy’s hidden hand in the barbaric terrorist groups [in Syria and Iraq], they deceived themselves.”
    • “The Zionists and many western governments, and most of all America, are pleased with these conditions [regional insecurity] and they do not intend to solve the ISIS issue.”
    • “Outsiders certainly do not want these issues to be resolved; therefore, there are Islamic countries which must decide how to solve these problems, but unfortunately, a good and constructive collective decision has not been made.”
    • “The Islamic Republic of Iran’s position regarding all countries, including Yemen, is opposition to foreign interference; therefore, in our opinion, the solution to the crisis in Yemen is stopping the attacks and foreign intervention against the people of this country [Yemen], and this, it is the Yemenis who must make decisions for the future of their country.”
    • “In contrast to this [Islamic] Awakening, the enemies of Islam have already started their counter-attacks; the regrettable fact is that some of the Islamic states have betrayed, and put their money and resources at the service of the enemy.”
    • On Iran’s presence in Iraq: “Iran has no military presence in Iraq, but the historic relations between the two countries of Iran and Iraq are deep and very close.” (Khamenei.ir


Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Larijani discusses nuke negotiations and conflicts in Yemen with Pakistani counterpart. During a telephone conversation with National Assembly of Pakistan Speaker Sadar Ayaz Sadiq, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said of Iran’s recent political framework agreement with the P5+1: “these agreements will be used for regional stability and unity among Muslims; Iran is ready to expand economic ties with Pakistan.” Larijani added: “Iran opposes military intervention from any regional countries, including Pakistan; it is detrimental to the Muslim nation of Pakistan; Iran’s position is problem-solving through national domestic dialogue [between] parties, and any intervention could complicate the issue.” 
    • Ayaz Sadiq stated, “At a joint [Pakistani] Assembly-Senate meeting on Monday, the issues of the country of Yemen were examined; Pakistan does not intend to intervene on any side in the conflict, and does not want to enter these crises, and is calling for the establishment of peace in Yemen in the interests of the Muslim world.” (Mashregh News)
  • Zarif will travel to Oman and Pakistan to discuss Yemen’s ongoing crisis. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is scheduled to meet with Omani officials in Muscat on April 8. Zarif will also meet with Pakistani officials in Islamabad, where the two sides will discuss bilateral relations. (YJC)



Military and Security

  • IRGC Ground Forces' "Qods" Base forces rout terrorists in Sistan va Baluchistan. IRGC Ground Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Mohammad Pakpour stated that “intelligence and operational forces of the IRGC Ground Forces Qods Base” defeated a “terrorist team” and killed three “bandits” in the Qasr-e Qand region, Sistan va Baluchistan province. Pakpour stated that “Large quantities of arms, ammunition, communications equipment, and electronics were seized during the operation, including 200 kilograms of explosives…Kalashnikov machine guns and ammunition…and electronic detonators.” (Sepah News)
  • Eight border guards killed in Sistan va Baluchistan. “Armed bandits” ambushed border guards on a road in the Negur region of Chah Bahar County, Sistan va Baluchistan province, killing four soldiers and four non-commissioned officers. The border guards purportedly killed “at least three people” “in response” to the attack. (YJC)



Nuclear Talks

  • Salehi: U.S. has no choice but to negotiate with Iran. According to Parliamentarian Gholam Ali Jafarzadeh, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Head Ali Akbar Salehi outlined Tehran’s nuclear capabilities during a closed session in Parliament and stated, “America and the West have no choice but to negotiate with Iran.” (Mehr News)
  • Zarif and Salehi present details of nuclear framework to MPs. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and AEOI Head Ali Akbar Salehi discussed details of the framework reached with the P5+1in a closed session of Parliament. Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said Zarif and Salehi explained the process of the negotiations, the technical aspects, and how the country’s nuclear interests will be addressed in the course of nuclear negotiations. (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Rafsanjani criticizes U.S. for obstructing nuclear negotiations. Expediency Discernment Council Chairman Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said Israeli lobbies in the U.S. will do anything to prevent the signing of a final Iran-P5+1 nuclear deal. Rafsanjani hailed the political framework agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, and said the world has recognized Iran’s inalienable right to nuclear technology. He added that under international law, the IAEA must help Iran update the science and technology of its nuclear sites. (Fars News Agency)



  • Iran accepted as AIIB member. The Chinese Ministry of Finance announced that Iran’s membership into the newly-formed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been approved. (IRIB)