A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analysts Mehrdad Moarefian and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

Key takeaway: Major General Hassan Firouzabadi echoed Iran’s redlines on a final nuclear deal, while Mohammad Javad Zarif highlighted the steady progress of drafting the text for the final agreement.

AFGS Headquarters Chief Major General Firouzabadi wrote a letter to the Iranian negotiating team to reinforce the Supreme Leader’s parameters for a final P5+1 nuclear deal. Firouzabadi explicitly stated that Iran would refuse to grant IAEA-led inspectors access to its military facilities, emphasizing that the regime’s defensive capabilities are non-negotiable. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, meanwhile, stated that Tehran and the P5+1 are making steady progress in drafting the final nuclear agreement, but that several issues still need to be addressed; however, both sides are determined to resolve this “manufactured crisis.”


Official Statements

  • Jafari: Yemeni people’s resistance is modeled after that of the Islamic Republic. IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari stated, “Today, we are witnessing the development of the ‘Islamic Awakening’ formed in various countries thanks to the perseverance and the resistance in the nation of Iran, and this course of resistance has been transferred to other societies.” He also stated, “Perseverance and resistance of the people of Yemen against the hegemonic system was formed according to a pattern taken from the Islamic Revolution; the new achievement of the Islamic Revolution is that every time regional or trans-regional enemies try to extinguish or divert these efforts [forming a ‘resistance’ movement modeled after the Islamic Revolution], they fail.” 
    • Jafari also stated, “The important aspects of the development of the Islamic Revolution in the country internally are happening; however…further efforts are needed.” He continued: “In order to carry out the proper…safeguarding of the Islamic Revolution, with a creative approach we must have an evolutionary viewpoint regarding all activities.” Jafari continued: “Innovation, creativity, and ideas appropriate to the circumstances of society and the younger generation was a prominent feature of martyr [Morteza] Motahari, which should be considered today.” (Basij.ir)



Nuclear Talks

  • Zarif: we are steadily moving forward in drafting a final nuclear deal. In a message posted to his Twitter page on May 4, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stated: “Drafting the text for the final agreement with the P5+1 is progressing slowly and steadily; it is a difficult task, [because] there are many gaps remaining.” Zarif added that both sides are determined to resolve this “manufactured crisis.” (Mehr News)
  • Firouzabadi outlines “basic principles” for text of final nuclear agreement. In a message to Iran’s Nuclear Negotiations Board, AFGS Headquarters Chief Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi highlighted the need to “protect the nuclear achievements” of Iran and the importance of not permitting inspections of military sites under the nuclear agreement. Firouzabadi also outlined several “basic principles for setting the final text [of the nuclear agreement],” including “Consideration of the possibility of a national consensus on the issue and methods of agreement in the sight of the country and its elected and competent representatives.” Another “basic principle” stated “the foundation of the expected results and objectives [must be] based on the three principles of pragmatism, foresight, and strengthening of national interests.” (Defa Press)



Military and Security

  • Sayyari: foreign powers cannot keep us from strengthening our sea power. On the occasion of National Persian Gulf Day, Artesh Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari stated, “the theory of returning to sea and maritime power is [one of] the Supreme Leader’s strategies, for the realization of which the Naval forces do not accept any foreign warning.” Sayyari also stated, “…if Iranian naval forces were not present in the Gulf of Aden, pirates would paralyze the economy.” Sayyari also said, “The first line of defense of the Persian Gulf is the Sea of Oman; as a determinant of the political sequence of the country and based on the measures of the Supreme Leader for protecting the interests of the country, we must always have a presence in this region.” Sayyari noted, “With twice the area and ten times the depth of the Persian Gulf in terms of oil and gas resources and communication possibilities, the Caspian Sea if very important for the Islamic Republic of Iran.” (Mehr News)



Domestic Politics

  • Judiciary Spokesman: Iran vows to continue to support the Yemeni people. Hojjat al-Eslam Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei highlighted the growing humanitarian crisis in Yemen and criticized the U.S. and Saudi Arabia for preventing Iran from delivering medical and food supplies to the Yemeni people. The Judiciary Spokesman stated: “The crime being committed in Yemen today is awful for those who claim to be supporters of human rights…” Ejei also announced the arrest of ten Iranian debtors and said the amount they owe is significant, but did not release further details about the case. (YJC)