A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analysts Mehrdad Moarefian and Marie Donovan, with contributor Ryan Melvin. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

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Key takeaway: Saeed Jalili said that the Islamic Revolution has served as “a model” for “people’s resistance in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.”

The Supreme Leader’s Representative to the Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili stated, “the West does not fear [Iran’s] nuclear energy, [it fears] the Iranian nation’s model of religious democracy.” He also stated, “The same mentality and will” Iran engaged in resistance to sanctions “has become a model today that made Lebanese Hezbollah and the people of Gaza victorious against Israel, and created the people’s resistance in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.” Jalili’s comments reiterate regime officials’ earlier comments highlighting the spread of the values and concepts of the Islamic Revolution, such as IRGC Qods Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani’s statement in early February: “Today signs of the Islamic Revolution can be seen throughout the region, from Bahrain, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and to North Africa.”

Conservative news outlet Kayhan published an article criticizing President Hassan Rouhani’s May 26 speech. In the speech, President Rouhani called for peaceful coexistence in the region, and stressed that Iran is committed to resolving its differences with the world through logical dialogue. The Kayhan article criticized the use of “reconciliation and logic” with Western regimes which - it argued - are “irrational and against peace.” 


Official Statements

  • Jalili: Islamic Revolution motivated resistance forces in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine. Saeed Jalili discussed regional developments and enemy plots to undermine Iran’s security. The Supreme Leader’s Representative to the Supreme National Security Council also reiterated Iran’s red lines on the nuclear negotiations and stated:
    • “The West does not fear [Iran’s] nuclear energy, [it fears] the Iranian nation’s model of religious democracy. The model shows how the people of the world can stand up and resist against oppressors… As long as this is the reasoning of our enemies, [Iran] must be vigilant and shrewd in dealing with them.” 
    • “Because, 70 years after World War II, the [the Westerners] still do not permit the Japanese to do a lot of things; their excuse is that the confidence-building [measures are insufficient]. Today, they are trying to negotiate with the same weapon [so] that they can enter all [Iranian] facilities.”
    • On Iran’s regional influence: “The same mentality and will that [got Iran] through the Imposed [Iran-Iraq] War and 35 years of sanctions, has become a model today that made Lebanese Hezbollah and the people of Gaza victorious against Israel, and created the people’s resistance in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.” (Tasnim News Agency) (Basij News)
  • Sharif: U.S. cannot increase sanctions pressure. IRGC Brig. Gen. 2C Ramezan Sharif addressed a conference titled, “Studying Dimensions of Iran-U.S. Confrontation in the Era of Sacred Defense [Iran-Iraq War].” The Head of IRGC Public Affairs stated: "The maximum pressure of sanctions is what has taken place so far and if the enemy could do anything else, it would have done so by now… Whenever the sanctions increase, the pressure also increases on the Americans, and not on us." (Fars News Agency(E)
  • Salami praises tribes’ loyalty to the regime. At a meeting of tribes in Sistan va Baluchistan, IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami stated, “Throughout the last few decades, Iran [and] the victory of the Islamic Revolution has [inflicted] the greatest failures upon the enemies and America.” The IRGC Deputy Commander also stated, “The zealous and brave tribes of the province [of Sistan va Baluchistan] have always been and are loyal to the system [of the Islamic Republic]…” Salami also stated, “By preserving and protecting the integrity, dignity, and honor of the country, the people of the province [of Sistan va Baluchistan] have been safeguarding the revolutionary Islamic values.” (Sepah News)
  • Alam ol Hoda: The U.S. was planning a proxy war against Iran at Camp David. Ayatollah Ahmad Alam al Hoda stated, “America gathered its mercenaries at Camp David to start a proxy war against us, because America has placed our country between two issues, the first of which is Camp David and the second is the inspections...” (Basij News)



Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Abdollahian censures possibility of no-fly zone in Syria. Hossein Amir Abdollahian spoke outside a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Kuwait, where members are discussing political solutions to the crises in Syria and Yemen. The Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs stated, “Talking about creating of buffer and no-fly zones [in Syria] is repeating previous errors and does not contribute to regional security and stability.” (Basji Press
    • ?Abdollahian converses with Prime Minister of Lebanon at OIC. Abdollahian also met with Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam. The two discussed regional security, and Salam stated that the relations between both countries are "satisfactory." (IRNA) (E
  • Velayati: Iran is trying to resolve the nuclear issue. Ali Akbar Velayati met with the President of China Institute of International Studies Qu Xing on May 27 in Beijing. The Supreme Leader’s Senior Foreign Policy Advisor discussed the ongoing nuclear negotiations and stated that Iran “is making an effort to resolve the issue through dialogue [with the P5+1], but at the same time resist the excessive demands of certain countries in the West.” (Tasnim News Agency(E)
  • Zarif: Iran will not accept excessive demands. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias held a joint press conference on May 28 in Athens. Zarif implicitly responded to his French counterpart’s May 27 remarks regarding IAEA-led inspections of Iranian military sites and stated: “I would expect my [P5+1] negotiating partners to refrain from making excessive demands.” (Press TV(E)



Nuclear Talks

  • Zarif and Kerry scheduled to meet on Saturday. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Secretary of State John Kerry will reportedly meet on May 30 in Geneva Switzerland. (IRNA(E)



Domestic Politics

  • Kayhan criticizes Rouhani’s May 26 speech. Leading conservative news outlet Kayhan wrote an article criticizing a May 26 speech by President Hassan Rouhani. The article stated, “It is not clear how one can talk about “peace, reconciliation, and logic” with “…occupiers,” [e.g. the West] while the foundation of occupation and aggression [the West] is irrational and against peace.” The article also stated, “There are some regimes, especially [of] the West and America… who do not understand the language of peace and reconciliation… and logic and negotiation…” (Kayhan)