A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analysts Marie Donovan, Paul Bucala, and Caitlin Shayda Pendleton with contributors Ken Hawrey and Alice Naghshineh. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

Excerpts of these translations may only be used with the expressed consent of the authors.

Key takeaway: President Hassan Rouhani defended the nuclear deal against domestic criticism, underscoring the escalating rhetoric between the administration and its opponents over the success of the deal.  

Rouhani called for Iranians to be patient regarding the economic benefits of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), stating, “Only three months have passed since the JCPOA’s implementation. Some people think it has been 30 years... A great number of companies and foreign private sectors have come to Iran daily. Important contracts are being signed.” Rouhani also responded to IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari’s recent criticism of the nuclear deal, asserting that “one must tell those who are saying, ‘What has the JCPOA done for us?’ that the JCPOA has been recorded as a political and legal honor in the history of Iran.” 

Parliament approved the details of the annual budget during an open session on April 19. It had previously approved the outline of the budget on April 10. The budget includes subsidy cuts for the top 30 percent of income earners, a move that has been strongly criticized by Rouhani administration officials. The Guardian Council still needs to approve the budget before it can be implemented.

Reuters cited the head of the Russian state conglomerate Rostec telling Russian news outlet Interfax that “Russia will complete its deliveries” of the S-300 surface-to-air missile system “to Iran by the end of the year.” Iran unveiled components of an S-300 surface-to-air missile system during its Artesh Day parade on April 17, including what appeared to be the S-300’s deployable radar.


AEI Must-Reads

Domestic Politics

  • Rouhani urges patience for JCPOA benefits. President Hassan Rouhani defended the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) against domestic critics and urged Iranians to be patient for its economic benefits during remarks delivered on April 19. He stated:
    • “Only three months have passed since the JCPOA’s implementation. Some people think it has been 30 years. Do you see how many abundant openings have been created in the past three months? A great number of companies and foreign private sectors have come to Iran daily. Important contracts are being signed.”
    • “Today a good banking relationship is opening among Iranian banks and international banks, one after another.”
    • “One must tell those who are saying, ‘What has the JCPOA done for us?’ that the JCPOA has been recorded as a political and legal honor in the history of Iran.” (President.ir)


Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Deputy foreign minister expresses Iran’s support for Yemen peace talks. Hossein Amir Abdollahian stated that Tehran “supports the beginning of Yemeni political talks and the reaching of a political agreement.” Speaking ahead of the peace talks in Kuwait, the deputy foreign minister for Arab and African affairs stated, “The stability of the people of this country [Yemen] against foreign aggression and massive terrorist movements has proved that the only way to work in Yemen is national dialogue and lack of foreign intervention.” He continued, “It is expected that the efforts of the U.N. Secretary General’s [Special Envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed] at a political solution to the crisis will lead to a result which is acceptable to the Yemeni people.” (Mehr News Agency)


  • Zarif meets with Kerry to discuss JCPOA implementation and Syria crisis. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the implementation of the JCPOA in New York City on April 19. State-run media outlet Fars News Agency reported that the two were scheduled to discuss regional developments as well, including the Syrian conflict. (Fars News Agency)



  • Parliament approves annual budget. Parliament approved the details of the budget on April 19 after approving the outline of the budget on April 10. According to figures released by Fars News Agency, the state’s total budget will be $97 billion. This is $25 billion more than last year’s budget of $72 billion. The budget includes a forecasted price of $40 per barrel of oil and a daily oil production of 2.25 million barrels. The budget also stipulates the removal of subsidies for the top 30 percent of society (those with a monthly income greater than approximately $990). The Guardian Council still needs to approve the budget before it can be implemented. Guardian Council Spokesman Nejatollah Ebrahimian told reporters today that the Guardian Council could start its review of the budget tomorrow. (Tasnim News Agency) (Fars News Agency)


  • Nobakht: Rouhani administration “strongly opposes” removal of subsidies for 24 million Iranians. Rouhani administration spokesman Mohammad Bagher Nobakht criticized Parliament’s proposal that the administration cut the subsidies of 24 million Iranians whose monthly incomes are above approximately $990. He stated, “Frankly, I say that cutting the subsidies of 24 million individuals is not practical for the administration. You say that the administration must do this at a time when we are not capable. If we do not do this, then we are considered criminals.” He added that the administration “strongly opposes” Parliament’s proposal and noted that a monthly income of $990 does not suffice for many Iranians facing everyday demands, including “renting a house” or “educating children.” (Tasnim News Agency) (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Jahangiri reacts to Central Bank chief’s statement on limited economic benefits from JCPOA. First Vice President Eshagh Jahangiri reacted to Central Bank Chief Valiollah Seif’s April 14 comments that Iran has gotten “almost nothing” from the nuclear deal. Jahangiri stated that while Seif “himself must answer these questions, Iran is implementing the JCPOA with the same strength with which it went to the negotiating table.”
    • Jahangiri also stated, “We have a good relationship with the central Iraqi government… problems and obstacles to economic development are being removed; as needed, we are dispatching a representative to engage more with Iraq.” He also identified unemployment as “the main challenge to the country’s economy” and stated that “one of the most important measures on the agenda is reform of the country’s banking sector.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Central Bank chief: U.S. must take “greater responsibility” in addressing banks’ concerns. Valiollah Seif reiterated his April 14 comments calling upon the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to issue guidelines for banks interested in doing business with Iran during an April 19 interview with Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). The Central Bank of Iran head stated, “Washington must have a greater sense of responsibility for eliminating ambiguities for banks interested in cooperation with Iran.” Seif also acknowledged that “sometimes there is a large gap” between Iran’s banking system and “international norms,” including issues like money laundering. He added that Iran is taking action to address that gap. (IRNA)


Military and Security

  • Joint naval exercises held with Pakistan. Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari stated that Iran and Pakistan are holding joint naval exercises in the Strait of Hormuz today. The Artesh Navy Commander noted that the exercises are in keeping with Iran’s usual practice of holding joint exercises on the last day of the visit of a flotilla from a friendly country. Sayyari stated that the exercises are intended to foster “more communication in the maritime field” between the two countries. (Tasnim News Agency) (Basij News)

Casualties in Iraq and Syria

  • Five Fatimiyoun fighters buried in Iran.
    • Three unidentified members of the Fatimiyoun Brigade, an Afghan Shia militia fighting in support of the Assad regime, were buried in Qom city. (Mashregh News)
    • Hossein Ahmadi was buried in Markazi province. (ABNA)
    • Morteza Hosseini will be buried in Yazd province. (Golestan24)