Key takeaway

Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh appointed Ali Kardor as the new managing director of the government-owned National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).

Kardor was formerly NIOC’s deputy head of investment and financing. He replaces Rokneddin Javadi, who resigned as managing director before Zanganeh appointed him deputy minister for hydrocarbon resources. Iranian media outlets had speculated that Javadi and Zanganeh disagreed over details of the Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC). In separate remarks, Zanganeh stated that he hopes the first IPC will be “inked” within “two or three months.” Hardliners have criticized the proposed framework of the IPC as being too favorable to foreigners at the expense of domestic industry.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari and Judiciary Head Sadegh Amoli Larijani each condemned the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida. Larijani asserted that no one “accepts the murder of innocent people,” while both emphasized that Iran opposes terrorism.

The IRGC Ground Forces released a statement claiming that IRGC forces killed five members of the Kurdish separatist group Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) in northwestern Iran. IRGC Ground Forces Commander Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour told reporters that one of the individuals killed was a PJAK “regional commander.” Meanwhile, the Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) reportedly killed five members of the Sunni terrorist organization Jaish al Adl in Sistan and Baluchistan province.

Iranian news outlets reported that three additional Iranians were killed in Syria.


Regional Developments and Diplomacy
June 21, 2016

Zarif: U.S claims about the JCPOA should not be taken seriously.

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June 13, 2016

Judiciary head condemns Orlando shooting.

Judiciary Head Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani condemned the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, stressing that no one “accepts the murder of innocent people.” Larijani added that Iran “has repeatedly declared that it will condemn terrorism in all dimensions and in any clothing. From a humanitarian perspective, the murder of innocent people is unacceptable.” (Mashregh News)

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari stated, “The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the recent terrorist attack in Orlando based on its principled policy of condemning terrorism and firm determination to confront this ominous phenomenon seriously and comprehensively.” (IRNA)


August 30, 2016

Zarif addresses Parliament on JCPOA.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif defended the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the status of foreign investment during remarks delivered to Parliament on June 12. Zarif referred to the influx of foreign economic delegations into Iran since the nuclear agreement and stated that they indicate that the world considers Iran to be “a safe place for cooperation,” according to Tasnim News Agency. Zarif warned that factionalism in Iranian politics must not cause investors to “despair” and addressed “criticism from opponents of the JCPOA regarding the lack of foreign investment.” He stated, “If there were no JCPOA, sanctions would have increased… and our oil sales would have reached zero.” He added that “around $700 million dollars have been deposited into the [state] treasury every month” since the JCPOA’s implementation, which began officially in January.

  • Zarif answered a question from parliamentarians on Iran’s response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling permitting victims of terrorist attacks attributed to Iran to collect up to $2 billion in Iranian frozen assets. He stated, “Necessary steps for confronting the illegal encroachment on Iran’s assets have been taken. Iran’s legal claims against the United States will be pursued in the International Court of Justice soon. We will show the world that America’s actions have broken the law.” Zarif also addressed Iran’s broader diplomatic relations by stating that the nuclear deal “does not mean the end of hostilities by those who regarded the Islamic Republic as an obstacle to [attaining] their goals.”
  • Zarif stated that Foreign Ministry will submit its second report on the implementation of the JCPOA to Parliament on July 17. The Foreign Ministry, which must deliver quarterly reports on the JCPOA to Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy (NSFP) Commission, submitted its first report on April 17. The Critical Threats Project translated an excerpt of the first report here. (Tasnim News Agency(E) (Shargh)


June 21, 2016

Khamenei’s senior foreign policy advisor: The tide in Syria is turning.

Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati stated, “The political and military balance in Syria is shifting in favor of the country’s government, people, and its allies… We firmly believe that victory belongs to the Syrian government.” He added that Iran, Russia, and Syria “have a common goal to fight side-by-side against the terrorism that plagues the region’s security. Positive results have been achieved from this unity of theory and practice during the past years and months. Although the way ahead is relatively complex, we have great hope in the cooperation between Iran, Russia, and Syria.” (Press TV) (E) (IRNA

June 13, 2016

Iran admonishes Canadian government for seizing assets. 

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari rebuked a Canadian court’s decision to seize $13 million in Iranian assets. The court ruled that the seized assets should be given to families of Americans killed in terrorist attacks blamed on Iran between 1983 and 2002. Ansari said the ruling is not conducive to normalizing relations between Iran and Canada and called the allegations baseless. (MFA) (MFA) (E)



June 13, 2016

Iraq’s deputy foreign minister travels to Iran.

Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Nazar Khairallah traveled to Tehran on June 12 to meet with Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian. The two diplomats discussed regional issues and their countries’ “fight against terrorism.” (ISNA)

Domestic Politics
June 13, 2016

NSFP commission members elected. 

Parliament’s senior leadership elected 23 parliamentarians to the National Security and Foreign Policy (NSFP) parliamentary commission on June 12. Reports indicate that 38 parliamentarians applied for membership and, per parliamentary procedures, were selected based upon their experience, education, and previous work. Several reformists and independents were among the new members of the commission. Prominent parliamentarians elected to the commission include principlist Alaeddin Boroujerdi, who was the head of the commission in the previous parliament, principlist Javad Karimi Ghodousi, moderate-conservative Kazem Jalali, and reformist Mostafa Kavakebian. The NSFP parliamentary commission ranks among the most important of Parliament’s specialized committees and is charged with parliamentary oversight of the government’s foreign policies, including the implementation of the JCPOA. The chairman of the NSFP will be elected later this week. (Tasnim News Agency)

Casualties in Iraq and Syria
June 13, 2016

Three Iranians killed in Syria.


  • IRGC 1st Lt. Abbas Daneshgar was from Semnan province. He appears to have been a member of an IRGC special forces unit. (ABNA) (Fars News Agency)
  • Hossein Ali Ibrahimi was a veteran of the Iran-Iraq War and from Gilan province, where the IRGC 16th Quds Division is based. A senior commander in the IRGC Special Forces unit attached to the IRGC 16th Quds Division was reported killed in Syria last week.(Tasnim News Agency)
  • Mehdi Eshaqhian appears to have been a member of the 14th Imam Hossein Division based in Esfahan province. (
Military and Security
August 30, 2016

Police clash with Jaish al Adl militants.

Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Spokesman Brig. General Saeed Montazer al Mahdi told reporters that five members of the Sunni terrorist organization Jaish al Adl were killed during clashes with police forces in Khash county, Sistan and Baluchistan province. According to the LEF spokesman, the militants “intended to conduct terrorist attacks deep within the country.” One LEF officer was also killed in the engagement. (Tasnim News Agency)

June 13, 2016

Five PJAK members reportedly killed in northwestern Iran.

The IRGC Ground Forces released a statement claiming that five members of the Kurdish separatist group Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) were killed during IRGC operations in northwestern Iran. IRGC Ground Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Mohammad Pakpour claimed that one of the individuals killed was a PJAK regional  commander. The exact time and location of the operation were not specified in the statement. (Fars News Agency) (Defa Press)


June 13, 2016

Zanganeh appoints new NIOC director.

Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh appointed Ali Kardor as the new managing director for the government-owned National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) on June 12. Kardor was formerly NIOC’s deputy head of investment and financing. Former managing director Rokneddin Javadi resigned before Zanganeh appointed him deputy minister for hydrocarbon resources.  

In separate remarks, Zanganeh “expressed hope for inking the first Iran Petroleum Contract” (IPC) within “two or three months.” He also stated on June 11 that some of the IPC’s critics are in NIOC itself, but he added that there are “not very many of them.” 

AEI Must Reads
July 13, 2016

AEI Must-Reads

Matthew McInnis analyzes President Hassan Rouhani’s ability to push through economic reforms in “Will Rouhani have a tough road to re-election?

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