Below are the data points on Hezbollah funding, part of the 2012 Iran-Hezbollah Tracker. 

Please see data on Hezbollah funding in previous trackers: 20082009, 2010, and 2011.

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June 27: The U.S. Treasury Department designated several Hezbollah-linked individuals under the Kingpin Act for their role in money laundering in connection with the Ayman Joumaa network. “The Joumaa network is a sophisticated multinational money laundering ring, which launders the proceeds of drug trafficking for the benefit of criminals and the terrorist group Hezbollah,” said Undersecretary of Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence David Cohen.

May 22: Dual Lebanese-American citizen Hor Akl was sentenced to 6 years in prison by a U.S. court for attempting to smuggle $200,000 to Hezbollah. Akl previously pled guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to a group designated as a foreign terrorist organization, money laundering, perjury and bankruptcy fraud.


May 18: Federal prosecutors in Manhattan accused Ali Erida of direct involvement in funneling elicit funds to Hezbollah. Erida is being held on $100,000 bond.  

March 27: National Public Radio reported that Yasmine Enterprises, a Texas-based nightclub chain, has been accused of funneling proceeds from drugs and money laundering to Hezbollah. During a federal court hearing, an Internal Revenue Service investigator alleged that Yasmine Enterprises owners Hussein Ali Yassine and Mohammed Ali Yassine sent money in $2,500 increments to their uncle Mohammed Ishmael in Lebanon, a known Hezbollah associate.

March 27: A United States District Judge in Manhattan entered a  $9.4 billion judgment against Hezbollah over the September 11th attacks. George Daniels, the presiding judge, ruled that Hezbollah must pay the $9.4 billion to insurers, including Chubb Corp, which was awarded $4.6 billion. 

March 18:  A report presented to Congress indicated that the United States Treasury Department froze $5 million in Hezbollah assets in 2011. 

March 16: Reuters learned of a deal between Democratic Republic of Congo's Environment Ministry and suspected Hezbollah front company Trans-M. The deal grants Trans-M a 25-year lease to harvest vast tracts of forest land worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The head of Trans-M, Ahmed Tajideen, has been involved with companies previosly sanctioned by the U.S. Government. 

March 13: Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Southern Command Chief Gen. Douglas Fraser testified that Iranian backed terror groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas areextending their influence in South America in order to finance operations in the Middle East. “We do see evidence of international terrorist groups benefitting from ... illicit trafficking and money laundering [in South America],” said Fraser.

March 6: A Federal Appeals court in New York ruled that American Express Bank Ltd (AmEx) is not liable for damages incurred as a result of Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel in 2006. The suit, brought forth by victims and families of victims of the rocket attacks, alleged that Lebanese Canadian Bank and AmEx helped Hezbollah launder money and facilitated millions of dollars worth of wire transfers which helped finance the attacks on Israel.

February 7: Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah acknowledged that Hezbollah receives financial support from Iran during a speech broadcasted to followers via video link.

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