Key Takeaways:

  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has begun to partner with local tribes in Yemen’s eastern Hadramawt governorate and is consolidating control over territory. AQAP militants continue to hold parts of al Mukalla city, the capital of Hadramawt, and recently seized Dhabah oil terminal in al Shihr, along with military installations. AQAP has delegated governance to local tribal councils.
  • Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif introduced a four-point plan to end the crisis in Yemen. Zarif called for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid, domestic political dialogue, and the formation of an inclusive government. The Saudi Arabia-led regional coalition continues to conduct an air campaign in Yemen against the al Houthis under Operation Decisive Storm.
  • Al Murabitoun claimed credit for a suicide car bomb attack against MINUSMA peacekeeping forces in Mali. The attack killed three civilians and injured over a dozen other people. It is the deadliest attack in recent months and is part of a recent trend of attacks targeting MINUSMA forces.