Pakistan Security Brief - October 20, 2009

Pakistani security forces take Kotkai on Monday night but expelled by Taliban counter-attack on Tuesday morning; details emerge regarding the Pakistan military's deal with key North and South Waziristani militants; a suicide bombing in Islamabad targets a university and kills several students; dozens are killed in Pakistani military strikes in Mohmand and Bajaur agencies; Pakistani officials raise the number of registered internally displaced people (IDPs) to over 150,000. �

  • On Monday evening the Pakistani security forces captured Kotkai which is the reported birthplace of TTP commander Hakimullah Mehsud as well as the home of "mentor of suicide bombers," Qari Hussein.� Shortly after security forces took Kotkai, the TTP launched a counter attack on Tuesday morning and retook the town.� After the retreat, the military then used jets to bomb militant positions in and around Kotkai.� The army says that a total of ninety militants and thirteen soldiers have been killed in the offensive to-date.[1]
  • On Monday it was reported that Pakistan's army struck a deal with militant commanders Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur to stay neutral and out of the government's offensive against the TTP.� The two also agreed to terms that would allow the army to move through their respective territories.� In response the army said it will limit operations in the commander's areas.� Though Nazir and Gul Bahadur are described as "anti-American militants" this deal will allow the Pakistani security forces to focus on their main enemy: the Pakistani Taliban.[2]
  • In the first attack since the military began the offensive into the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) controlled areas of South Waziristan, two suicide blasts occurred at the International Islamic University in Islamabad on Wednesday.� Although the exact number of fatalities is still unknown initial reports suggest between four and seven people were killed.[3]
  • Fourteen militants were killed in airstrikes on Mohmand Agency on Monday.� A number of children were also killed when some of the strikes missed their objective.� Seven other insurgents were killed in Bajaur Agency on Monday in clashes with security forces.[4]
  • The number of registered IDPs from South Waziristan has risen to 150,000 says a FATA official.� Five registration centers have been set up in neighboring districts and supplies and assistance are being provided by the government to IDPs.[5] �
[1] Kamran Haider, "Battle intensifies as Taliban retake Pakistani town", Reuters, October 20, 2009. Available at
[3] "Blasts rock Pakistan University", BBC, October 20, 2009. Available at
[4] Shakirullah, "14 militants, three children killed in Mohmand blitz", The News, October 20, 2009. Available at "Seven insurgents die in Bajaur", The News, October 20, 2009. Available at
[5] Ishtiaq Mahsud, Nahal Toosi, "Number of SWA migrants reaches to 150,000", Geo News, October 20, 2009. Available at