Pakistan Security Brief - October 13, 2009

� The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for this past weekend's attack on the military's headquarters in Rawalpindi, indicating operations were carried out by its Punjabi branch; following this weekend's attack in Rawalpindi, Pakistan security forces are tightening security in Islamabad's Red Zone; over a dozen militants were reportedly killed on Monday in air strikes against militant positions in Bajaur Agency; Pakistan's foreign minister returned to Washington this week to take up Islamabad's concerns with the language of the five-year, $7.5 billion U.S. aid bill for Pakistan.��

  • A spokesman for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for Saturday's attack on the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi.� In the statement, the militant said that that the attack was carried out by the TTP's Punjab branch.� This message comes as people paid their respects to army personnel who were killed during the assault by laying flowers and candles near the GHQ.[1]
  • In response to Saturday's attack on the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the city police, Rangers and Frontier Constabulary will increase security in Islamabad's Red Zone.� Quick-Response Units and snipers from Pakistan's Anti-Terrorist Squad will also be put on "red alert" and deployed to the Red Zone and other important installations.� Vehicle searches will be expanded to law enforcement, military officials and diplomats in order to prevent future attacks.[2]��
  • Fifteen militants were killed on Monday in air strikes and artillery bombardment in Bajaur Agency in FATA.� Locals have also reported that civilians were also killed in the air strikes.[3]
  • Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi left for Washington on Monday to express concerns over the Kerry-Luger bill that offers Pakistan 7.5 billion dollars in aid over the next five years.� Many Pakistanis have criticized the bill and fear that it would infringe on Pakistan's sovereignty due to demands required by Washington.[4]

[1] "Taliban claim GHQ attack", The News, October 13, 2009. Available at Raja, "Soldiers killed in GHQ attck remembered", Dawn, October 13, 2009. Available at
[2] Azeem, "Red alert sounded in Red Zone", Dawn, October 13, 2009.� Available at
[4] Syed, "Qureshi on a difficult mission", Dawn, October 13, 2009.� Available at