Pakistan Security Brief - October 8, 2009�

Pakistani issued a warning for foreigners to limit their movements following the recent bombing of a UN office; more than a dozen suspected Taliban members have been found dead in Swat recently; Pakistani military leaders expressed concern over the conditions in the $7.5 billion U.S. aid bill for Pakistan; recent U.S. national security meetings focused on Pakistan. �

  • After the recent bombing of the UN World Food Program office in Islamabad, the government released a security advisory to foreigners to limit their movement in Pakistan.� Many foreign missions and aid agencies have restricted the movement of their personnel in light of the growing threat of terrorist attacks as the government prepares for an operation in Waziristan.[1]
  • Fifteen suspected Taliban bodies have been found in Swat Valley.� Rumors have spread that these militants were killed by the Pakistani army in extra-judicial killings while it is possible that their deaths were the result of "infighting among militant groups."[2]
  • The Kerry-Lugar aid bill continues to cause controversy within the Pakistani military leadership.� On Wednesday General Headquarters (GHQ) held a conference regarding the bill and its influence on national security and, more specifically, the Pakistani military.� Many leaders, including Chief of the Army Staff General Kayani, expressed concern that the bill would infringe on Pakistan's sovereignty.[3]
  • President Obama held important meetings at the White House on Wednesday with his national security team on Afghanistan and Pakistan.� The meetings focused on the progress of the war on terror in Pakistan and the country's reaction to the Kerry-Lugar aid bill.� While President Obama has not signed the bill, the administration insists that it will be signed in the allotted ten days.[4] �
[2] "Bodies of 15 suspected Taliban found in Swat: army", Dawn, October 8, 2009. Available at
[3] Shakeel Shaikh, "Commanders show concern at US aid bill", The News, October 8, 2009. Available at
[4] "White House assessing reaction in Pakistan", The News, October 8, 2009. Available at "Bill signing not delayed", Dawn, October 8, 2009. Available at