Pakistan Security Brief - October 6, 2009

The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for Monday's UNWFP office bombing in Islamabad; the Pakistani military bombed militant positions in South Waziristan early Tuesday killing several suspected militants; the UK is increasing its counter-terrorism cooperation with Pakistan and pledged increased military aid to Pakistan's security forces; Pakistani forces initiated strikes in Khyber Agency on Monday in retaliation for a rocket attack on a military fort. �

  • Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Azam Tariq claimed responsibility for Monday's suicide bombing at the United Nations World Food Program office in Islamabad.� Tariq cited that the UN and other aid organizations are "slaves of the United States" and thus will be targeted. Five people were killed in the blast including one Iraqi national.[1]
  • Militant positions were bombed in South Waziristan Agency on Tuesday resulting in the death of six insurgents.� These bombings come at a time when the Pakistani army prepares for a ground offensive into South Waziristan.� The Pakistani army has employed targeted air strikes and blockades on South Waziristan in preparation for this offensive in order to weaken the militants.[2]
  • Britain Home Secretary Alan Johnson stated that the UK would help Pakistan develop its new counter-terrorism agency.� The UK is seeking cooperation with Pakistan due to the common interest that Islamabad and London share in fighting Islamic radicalism.� Gordon Brown promised Pakistan 50 million pounds in aid and much of this is expected to go to Pakistan's security forces.[3]
  • Helicopter gunships killed five militants on Monday in Khyber Agency. The strikes were in retaliation for a militant rocket attack on a military fort that injured three soldiers.[4]
[1] "Tehrik-i-Taliban claim deadly UN office blast", Dawn, October 6, 2009. Available at
[2] :Six killed as jets hit militant positions in South Waziristan", Dawn, October 6, 2009. Available at
[3] "Britain to help Pakistan step-up national security", Dawn, October 6, 2009. Available at