Pakistan Security Brief - October 2, 2009

Pakistani officials confirmed today that IMU leader Tahir Yuldashev was killed in a August drone attack in South Waziristan; reports have surfaced over the past indicating that the Pakistani military plans to launch a major offensive into South Waziristan; TTP commanders have vowed to carry out suicide attacks in retaliation for the killing of Beitullah Mehsud; South Waziristan-based militant commander Maulvi Nazir has reportedly extended a peace deal with the Pakistani government; suspected Taliban militants attempted a suicide attack following a compound raid in Swat valley.�� �

  • Senior Pakistani government officials on Friday have confirmed rumors that Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) leader Tahir Yuldashev was killed in late August in a drone attack in South Waziristan Agency.� Rumors of his death started when a man claiming to be Yuldashev's body guard reported his death late last month.� His loss has been described as a "big blow" against the IMU and the groups it supports.[1]
  • After a nearly three-month blockade on South Waziristan Agency the Pakistani Army plans to undertake a major offensive into the agency.� Many see this offensive as crucial in the struggle against the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).� Drone attacks have increased in the region and have resulted in the death of numerous militants which some say have left the TTP in disarray.[2]
  • TTP commanders have stated that they plan to carry out suicide attacks in Pakistan in response to Beitullah Mehsud's death in August.� This statement comes shortly after the release of a video picturing Mehsud's body.[3]
  • The Pakistani army has vowed to look into a video showing the abuse of suspected Taliban detainees.� In a statement to the BBC the army spokesman said that punishments would be dealt to those individuals found guilty.[4]
  • Militant commander Maulvi Nazir has extended a peace deal with the government in a jirga in Wana, South Waziristan.� Over 120 elders and Taliban militants attended the jirga on Tuesday.� Maulvi had briefly sided with the TTP but this meeting confirms his intentions to side with the government.[5]
  • Two suspected Taliban militants were killed when one detonated a suicide vest in an attempt to kill security forces during a raid on a compound in Swat Valley.� One soldier and another militant were killed elsewhere in other operations.[6]
[2] Ismail Khan, "Battle for Waziristan Looms", Dawn, October 2, 2009. Available at
[3] "Taliban commanders vow to carryout suicide attacks", Dawn, October 2, 2009. Available at
[4] Syed Shoaib Hasan, "Pakistan in video beating probe", BBC, October 2, 2009. Available at
[5] Sailab Mehsud, "Maulvi Nazir attends peace jirga", Dawn, October 2, 2009. Available at
[6] "Three militants, soldier killed in Swat", The News, �October 2, 2009. Available at