Pakistan Security Brief - September 8-9, 2009

� Taliban militants killed four Shi'ite schoolchildren in Orakzai Agency on Tuesday; two U.S. drone strikes destroyed a militant compound and madrassa in North Waziristan; Pakistani security forces killed twenty-four suspected Lashkar-e-Islam members in Khyber Agency; three pro-government tribesmen were killed by unidentified gunmen in Balochistan. �

  • �Suspected Taliban militants killed four schoolchildren in an attack Tuesday in Orakzai, one of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Local security officials attributed sectarian motivations to the killing, which appears to have targeted only Shi'ite students.[1]
  • Two U.S. drone strikes within a twenty-four hour period targeted suspected Taliban locations in North Waziristan. The first, on Monday, hit a madrassa and adjoining house in Machikhel village and killed at least five. The second, on Tuesday morning, struck a suspected militant compound near Miranshah and reportedly left three casualties.[2]
  • Pakistani military operations against Lashkar-e-Islam in Khyber Agency killed twenty-four suspected militants on Tuesday and reported destroyed four hideouts near the town of Bara.[3]
  • Unidentified gunmen attacked pro-government tribesmen on Wednesday in the town of Dera Bugti, Balochistan. The shooting reportedly killed three people and wounded three others. [4]�

[1] "Pakistani Taliban attack Shiite children," The Christian Science Monitor, September 8, 2009. Available:
[3] "Security forces kill 24 militants in Khyber Agency," AFP, September 8, 2009. Available:
[4] "At least five killed in bomb blast near Afghan border," Dawn News, September 9, 2009. Available: