Yemen: At least seventeen injured by grenade in Hajjah province; refugees flood into UN camps; residents of Bani Hushish report the area has been surrounded by security forces; Pentagon refutes report from official Yemeni news agency that the U.S. signed a military cooperation agreement with Yemen

Horn of Africa: Hizb al Islam appoints new administration in Hiraan; government officials mediate dispute in Galmudug region; EU to approve plan to train Somali troops; suspects in Bosasso arrested following judge's murder

Yemen Security Brief

  • At least seventeen people were injured on Thursday when a man detonated a hand grenade in a crowded area in the northern province of Hajjah. Security sources report the attack came after an argument.[1] 

  • A surge of refugees are entering camps as the Saudi offensive continues along the Yemeni-Saudi border. The UNHCR has plans to establish a new camp for the displaced in Harf Sufyan in Amran province.[2] 

  • Residents in Bani Hushish near Sana'a report that security forces have surrounded the area since a man died in a firefight between two warring tribes on November 3. Sources add that suspects have been detained.[3] 

  • The Pentagon reported that the U.S. did not sign a military cooperation deal with Yemen, contradicting a report from Sana'a's official news agency.[4]

  Horn of Africa Security Brief

  • Hizb al Islam has appointed a new administration in Hiraan region, which was announced following a meeting in Beledweyne Thursday afternoon.[5] 

  • Officials from the Transitional Federal Government are mediating a dispute in Galmudug region. The dispute is between two administrations in the town of Galkayo.[6] 

  • The EU is expected to pass a proposal to train up to 2,000 Somali troops in Uganda next week. Somalia's Transitional Federal Government has said that it would like to have 6,000 well-trained troops in order to begin securing the country.[7] 

  • Security forces in Bosasso have arrested three suspects in connection to the murder of Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Aware, the chief judge of the First Magistrate Court. The murder of the judge came days after he sentenced four people affiliated with al Shabaab to jail.[8]


[1] "Hand Grenade Injures 17 in Hajjah" Yemen Post, November 17, 2009. Available:  
[2] "A Surge In Refugees as Yemen Conflict Enters New Phase," November 13, 2009. Available:  
[3] "Security Forces Surrounded Bani Hashish After One Person Killed in Clash," Yemen Post, November 13, 2009. Available:  
[4] "US Says No Military Cooperation Deal With Yemen," AFP, November 13, 2009. Available:  
[5] "Islamists Appoint New Officials for the Administration of Hiran Region," Shabelle Media Network, November 13, 2009. Available:  
[6] "TFG Mediates Disputes Between Galmudug State Officials of North Region," Shabelle Media Network, November 13, 2009. Available:  
[7] "EU Plans Training Missions for Somali Forces," Reuters, November 13, 2009. Available:  
[8] "Three Suspects Nabbed Over the Death of Bosasso Judge," Garowe Online, November 11, 2009. Available:  
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