Yemen: Man arrested with grenade in Aden

Horn of Africa: Grenade attack in Bosasso kills at least two people and wounds over twenty-four others; Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a clerics targets in grenade attack on Galkayo mosque; al Shabaab militants disarmed Hizb al Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys; President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed visits military bases in Mogadishu; two Somali commanders may have lost government posts

Yemen Security Brief  

  • Security forces arrested a man who supposedly had plans to attack the Gold Market in Sheikh Othman district in Aden. The man reportedly had a hand grenade inside his suitcase.[1] 

Horn of Africa Security Brief 

  • A grenade attack on a crowd watching a film in Bosasso killed at least two people and wounded over twenty-four others. Reportedly, most of the victims were Oromo people from Ethiopia and were living in Puntland.[2] 

  • Unidentified gunmen threw a grenade into a mosque in the town of Galkayo in Mudug region while clerics from Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a were praying. Residents report the attack targeted the clerics.[3] 

  • Al Shabaab militants have disarmed Hizb al Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, according to a state radio report. Hizb al Islam spokesman, Mohamed Osman Arus, stated that Hizb al Islam had handed over its military vehicles and weapons to al Shabaab and that Aweys is no longer an active political figure. This report has not been independently verified.[4] 

  • President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed visited military bases in the southern Mogadishu. The President spoke to the troops and reportedly will continue to visit military bases.[5] 

  • Unofficial reports say that two Somali commanders, Chief of the National Armed Forces General Yussuf Dumal and Chief of the Police Force General Abdi Hassan Awale, have lost their posts in the Somali government. It is rumored the two commanders might be appointed as ambassadors to some of the neighboring countries.[6]

[1] "Would-be Bomber Held in Aden," Saba Net, December 1, 2009. Available:  
[2] "Grenade Attack Wounds 24 in Northern Somalia," Reuters, December 2, 2009. Available:  
"Blast Kills Civilians in Puntland Town," Mareeg Online, December 2, 2009. Available:  
[3] "Unidentified Gunmen Hurl Grenade to Mosque in Galka'o Town," Shabelle Media Network, December 2, 2009. Available:  
[4] "Al-Shabaab Disarm Rebel Leader," Mareeg Online, December 1, 2009. Available:  
[5] "President Sharif Visits Military Centers in South Mogadishu," Shabelle Media Network, December 1, 2009. Available:  
[6]  "Two Somali Force Commanders Lost Posts," Somaliweyn Media Center, December 2, 2009. Available:
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