Pakistan Security Brief – December 30, 2009

A TTP spokesman claims responsibility for Monday’s suicide bomb attack in Karachi; the Pakistan Air Force purchases a new early-warning aircraft; gunships shell militant positions in Orakzai; clashes continue between militants and security forces in various parts of Orakzai, Mohmand, and South Waziristan.

  • A commander from the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Asmatullah Shaheen, said on Wednesday that TTP is responsible for the deadly December 28 blast in Karachi. Asmatullah Shaheen said the attack, which targeted Shias marking Ashura, was done “to protect the honor of the companions of the holy prophet.” The TTP spokesman also vowed that more attacks would be carried out within the next ten days.[1]

  • Pakistan strengthened its Air Force capabilities by adding a Saab-2000 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) Aircraft to its fleet. With the aircraft, the Pakistan Air Force will be able to track all aircraft departing from forward operating positions in India, as well as determine the type of aircraft and their weapon systems, among other capabilities. The aircraft is also capable of detecting drones flying in Pakistani airspace.[2]

  • Pakistani military forces battled militants on Monday and Tuesday in Ghalani, located in Mohmand Agency north of Peshawar. Militants struck a police checkpoint in the area with rockets, and Pakistani forces launched a counter-attack against the militants. At least seven people have been killed through the exchange of fire, including children.[3]

  • Militants who follow a local TTP commander in lower Orakzai Agency have attacked several members of an anti-Taliban tribal militia and local law enforcement in Chamjana area during the past two days. On Tuesday, Pakistani helicopter gunships again fired on the militants in the surrounding areas, bringing the militants’ death toll to 37.[4]

  • As Pakistani military forces continue operation Rah-e Nijat in South Waziristan, they have killed 15 militants and captured four in searches around Wana.[5]


[1] “Taliban claim bombing in Karachi,” BBC, December 30, 2009. Available at “Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claim Karachi bombing,” Dawn, December 30, 2009. Available at “Taliban claim Karachi suicide attack,”  News, December 30, 2009. Available at
[2] Iftikhar A. Khan and Yaqoob Malik, “Early warning aircraft inducted into PAF,” Dawn, December 30, 2009. Available at
[4] Abdul Sami Paracha, “Thirty seven militants, four levy men killed in Orakzai,” Dawn, December 30, 2009. Available at
[5] “15 militants arrested in SWA,” News, December 30, 2009. Available at
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